Because they vote
Because they vote
Fuck Jerry. He was never funny, and now we know he supports genocide.
I know you’re upset. We all are. But blaming every American isn’t the answer. Take a few deep breaths and collect your thoughts.
Remember, WE actually have to live in this country. People are suffering more than our neighbors right now. Please don’t disregard their feeling because you’re next door and upset. We actually have to live through this daily.
A simple answer for a very long post.
Kid is dumb for assuming mother knew what cod was
You’re getting that from 298815?
“Optimized for Internet Explorer 7.0!”
It’s been a while since I was in a chemistry class but that cross is sharing a lot of electrons
Don’t you dare drag down Jafar like that!
Why would they? Apple loves money. Money money money. They always have…
I thought it said “firing people is hard”. I’m a manager and so my brain was like, “yeah letting people go is difficult”. But then, I got to the sex and smoking part and was thoroughly confused.
Settle down Mr. Kropp…
Bring the kids to what? Be involved in what? I think the point is to stay home and not travel or spend money or work.
I mean, it’s a Saturday. I’ll already be doing nothing.
They’re projecting like always.
It’s not an accusation if there is proof… I think you’re mistaken by the MAGA party. You know the party that said COVID wasn’t real but it turned out to be very real. They said climate change isn’t real but the whole nation experiences absurd weather conditions all year. They said Jan 6 was a day of peace but people got hurt and killed. Some feared for their life.
Please sit down. You don’t know what a lie and a truth are. You probably can’t tell the difference between a fact and an opinion either.
Donny loves the poorly educated
Maybe for some privileged and self centered people
Yeah dude me obviously.
Wtf are you saying?