You should be able to repair your bike though, this obviously isn’t. There are very few standard bike parts that on a normal bike can’t be taken off then put back on, but this seems full of odd bits and glued in pins.
Better to make a video that lots of people can enjoy than have a shit bike sitting in one person’s fancy garage somewhere.
Browsing various stores, don’t go for cheap stuff at Primark, try go for better stuff. 90% of the time you will walk out with nothing, 9% of the time you will find something decent you like, 1% of the time you find an entire rack of stuff and will be good for the next 5 years…
Aim for the sales really, however much better a crew t-shirt is… It’s not £50 good…
Stores: Crew White stuff Next M&S (mostly work stuff) Tesco (socks only!)
I really have no idea, I don’t even know if some shops sell mens stuff.