For me the catch and release vs squash with my shoe dilemma comes down to one variable: how close to crawling upon my person where they when I noticed them
For me the catch and release vs squash with my shoe dilemma comes down to one variable: how close to crawling upon my person where they when I noticed them
His next fight with Doctor Octopus may be very awkward
Don’t forget to extend your middle finger towards the police officer while winking and waggling your eyebrows up and down! This is a secret mason salute and they can’t arrest you after that or the Head Poobah will come down from his space ship and take away their policing license and give you $10,000!
I certainly don’t mind, that’s where my favorite pro wrestler is from!
No, but I remember seeing the TV ads for Hooked on Phonics
Yeah I looked it up and assumed it must be a big deal since they have that massive mall and a racetrack lol I didn’t think to check the actual population
I appreciate the heads up, but it switched to Amazon Canada when I clicked the link and seemingly just put in random info lol that is not even remotely close to my name nor does it resemble in any way where I live
That’s definitely it
I feel like as a lifelong native of South Carolina I must say something here… And that is that Lindsey Graham is a lying cowardly worthless sack of shit.
they would just sort of turn into a blob of sugary bread
You’re making this idea seem better and better now 🤤
Is it weird that I kinda want to make this now? It seems like it would be good lol I’m not a Catholic though so I’m not sure where I would get these communion wafers
Most likely it’s either embedded in some other app you downloaded, or it’s a temp file that came from a shady website. I would look over any other apps you recently downloaded even if they seem totally unrelated especially games or utility apps that don’t have many ratings, and you can also try clearing cache and cookies from your web browser
That’s what soap-on-a-rope is for
If like me you have no idea wtf a comb jelly is, it’s this thing
I would 100% buy these if they came in Thai tom yum soup flavor
I seem to remember reading that he just had like a block of wood under his costume to stop the arrow from killing him lol
It reminds me of those people that claim The X-Men have gotten “woke” even though that’s been the whole point of the comic since the 60’s or worse yet those poor souls out there who thought Rage Against the Machine was getting too political lol
I guess it would depend on the context? If you are thinking of naming a child Ligyron I would say that’s a terrible idea. If you’re looking for a name for the hero of your fantasy novel or D&D game, then I’d say it’s probably a good choice.