• 168 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • No. They don’t even like themselves. The only thing that the far right is interested in is the acquisition of power. If they suddenly embrace a group they were previously opposed to it is done solely to help achieve that goal of acquisition. If the far right is now “gay friendly” it is only being done in hopes that gay people will shut up and stop opposing them. Once they get what they want they will immediately start ranting about “the gay agenda” again as if nothing had happened

  • A few years ago I started getting random texts in the middle of the night from some guy who thought I was a girl he’d met at a bar. I guess the guy was kind of a pest so she gave him a made up number that just happened to be my number. I tried politely explaining that I was:

    a. not a girl

    b. definitely not anyone he knows


    c. trying to sleep because it’s 2am

    He seemed to think this was some sort of courtship game and kept messaging me until I finally just told him to fuck off

    This scenario kept repeating itself every few weeks apparently whenever he would get drunk and/or horny in the middle of the night

    It kept going until one night I finally told him I would meet him somewhere and just went back to sleep

    I never heard from him again after that… Maybe he’s still waiting there? 😂