It’s the guy above in this thread saying “Strawman arguments are so boring & ineffectual.”
It’s the guy above in this thread saying “Strawman arguments are so boring & ineffectual.”
Imagine someone defending Trump calling anything “a tragic day for the rule of law.”
Nice bomber jacket and full head of natural hair, ya fuckin idiot.
Looks great. Tribes 2 was one of my favorites back in the day.
Because we live in a post-humanities hellscape.
Let the animals wipe each other out.
It’s just an easy joke people make on the internet.
It ain’t me
It ain’t me
I ain’t no fortunate son
Nationalize StarLink.
I’m glad I left reddit for other platforms where thoughtlessly cynical takes are also upvoted to the top.
You are not Fekh’lar!
Meanwhile back in the US we’ll continue to be forced by our employers to use it because there isn’t sufficient regulatory oversight here.
I bought PS+ earlier this year for the first time ever and regret it even at its current price. It was an experiment but it failed for me.
Stochastic terrorism.
"The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years, and I’m going to make their lives miserable for 43 years.” — Clarence Thomas
It is an absurd statement to argue that the average cyclist on the average bike can sprint to over 30mph “without much trouble.” Maybe with a tailwind going downhill, and even that is, ahem, dangerous.
PhRMA, AKA the industry lobby that runs those ads in the NYT showing smiling patients and talking about how wonderful the world’s pharmaceutical companies are, while fighting tooth-and-nail against Medicare price negotiations that would benefit seniors and the most vulnerable populations. This is one of those associations where if they’re for something, you should be against it, and vice versa.
Incredibly sad to see Alice Cooper using rote, boring anti-trans talking points, especially the old canard of ‘any man can walk into a woman’s restroom by saying he feels like a woman today,’ which is something I’ve seen online more times than I can count and even heard in person from a few folks almost word-for-word. Don’t be a parrot, Vincent.
“Morons,” “idiots.” Thanks for your valuable contribution to the conversation.
A former president just barely got over 50% in the first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucuses and we’re describing his victory as “dominant” and a sign of strength instead of a historically weak showing from someone who’s already had the job. The media continues to not know how to talk about him.