looks a right mess, anyone been down there?
Anyone who’s driven down here when Brock is on knows how sketchy the drive feels. the lanes are narrow, and the lorries (going north bound) are wide.
well that’s a bit shit
Hold it in
Such a “punk” company and guy eh?
Am I reading it right that this is basically a continuation of contract already yon place?
lots of excuses been given over the years, but comes down to it’s cheaper to run a single internation station than two.
everybody in kent having to go into london just to come back out again is mess.
“wankpuffin” going to have to use that one.
still not got my hands on a traffic light though…
Me too
You and me both.
Someone studied chemistry
I think enthusiast is a loaded term, it shouldn’t put people off having a fun day out and looking at some cool trains.
Don’t think I’ve had a bad time at a heritage railway, especially if you time the visit for when a beer festival is on.
Indeed but at least it looks like it’s happening
They will implement it in a way that makes 99% of prople worse off so no one takes it up and they can “prove” it’s not wanted.
I think I missed a joke there didn’t I…
not an advert but the departure boards on the platform at my local stations:
Can we please extend this to the rest of the country please.