Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.
Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.
I’m using the pythorhead library in python.
Makes interaction with lemmy in code very easy.
I already wrote a comic posting script for ! I replied in another thread I could taker over the actual posting given a database of the content that should get posted. The tricky part is it has to allow the bot to figure out what should get posted on what day :D
I’m halfway through Rebirth, and shit has me so confused I stopped trusting any of my theories for what is going on.
It’s continued to be good though. Excellent even.
I hope you find some other people to moderate, as I have already taken on more than enough on that plate (two dozen communities and counting). Sooner or later I’ll be in your position, looking for people to help me mod, rather than being the one offering to mod 😅
But, the short term work of writing a bot to do this and perhaps then even running it for you (indefinitely even) is within reason. If you like, DM me with a way to contact you on discord or matrix. I’d love to hear where you source the comics and dates for all your comics communities.
Perhaps I can make something generic enough that with just some configuration it could work for all your communities.
I don’t know that that gun has been used in decades.
There is no such thing as too much power.
blows the main fuse of my entire building
It would be mine.
My mind-boggling rate of posting is enabled by my augmenting the process with custom tools I maintain myself.
It’s also how I post to ! which I started inspired by the calvin and hobbes posts. (Though I haven’t yet made it run daily without my intervention, each post only takes a second of my day, zero, when I get around to have it run on its own).
If you have all the strips and their dates stored digitally in some way, I’d be more than happy to help keep the daily posts going, by potentially entirely automating the process.
Let’s gooo!
Most people you’ll run into at a gym, are the kinds of people who actually go to the gym. As in, people who are serious about self-improvement and maintenance.
People like that are more often than not the supportive type.
To be fair, Intergrade and Rebirth remix some things that mean they don’t really replace the original game.
They’re doing something different with the story that we still haven’t had fully explained, which means I’m playing completely riveted to the story, with no idea what’ll happen, even though the original game has existed longer than I have.
And the gameplay is obviously completely different.
It means they’re more than “remakes”, imo. They’re more like adaptations, making changes that alter the source material to fit a new medium. Almost like going from book to TV.
And in the same way, both the “book” and the “TV Series” both remain worthy of being experienced. Different people might prefer one or the other, while others will insist the “full experience” is to engage with both. Either way, both add to the whole by existing.
It get it on Vindicta. The bullet velocity is nice, but it’s the bullet shield and lil bit of damage for cheap that really makes it worth it.
My build is built around the bullet and spirit shields, and the bonuses they provide while up. Vindicta is too squishy to engage with almost anyone face to face (unless you build for that), so I really enjoy a build where she’s almost pure damage, while the shields give her some survivability, but even they are there mostly for their damage buffs. (Meaning if I take damage, at all, letting them drop, I’m playing wrong)
If I can keep myself far away and hard enough to hit, I usually fill up my gun slots before buying anything else, because early-game damage-Vindicta is a total bully. And high-velocity is a good pick to be one of those four items.
Plus it builds into pristine emblem, a signature item in a lot of Vindicta builds.
If the issue is KDE specific, the bugtracker is over at Make sure to try and find out whether someone has already made a report.
Loid: why do I even try anymore, the world is a dark and sad place, why spend my life trying to protect a peace that will never hold
Loid: ah, gotta keep truckin’
And just about as potent as his constant jabber about “I’ll fire the nukes aaany second now”.
Hey now! You gotta at least set your timezone and keyboard layout, too.
The combat is fanatastic. But they don’t lean into it enough, and so you don’t get to fully engage with it beyond a superficial level. Except for some fleeting moments most people wont even notice.
I love it, but I hate how they’re too afraid to commit, even to the point of not allowing you to play Rebirth on hard until ng+. noticed you’re the new mod. Just got a minimum viable bot to continue the daily posting done.