I’m genuinely curious. By what age did you become bald?
I’m genuinely curious. By what age did you become bald?
I don’t think anyone is surprised by security flaws in automanufacturers’s technology. It’s expected.
I wouldn’t even argue which manufacturer does it better. Security is an afterthought.
Hopefully Subaru fixes their flaws soon.
That means people do care about privacy. That’s awesome!
I want a snapchat version.
That doesn’t sound like a good business practice.
Canada, and they have to stop. It’s a residential area.
These cars were directly behind it and went around.
I’ve always heard people don’t stop for school busses but thought it was rare.
I hope we have this. I’m in Canada and I really doubt it. But that is a great idea!
Thanks for the idea! I’ll try this.
Had no idea. I suppose I’ll report it and show the video.
Cameras :)
I think the appeal is Trump is on Gab. (Don’t quote me. I’m not sure.)
There seems to be 3 forum platforms.
I hear about reddit on the radio and people talk about reddit. No one talks about the other two.
We sell our oil to the US. We make money. US has a stronger dollar, so that help, too.
We buy oil from other countries. We save money. It’s cheaper since our dollar is stronger than their dollar.
Transportation costs are cheap enough that moving oil over countries is profitable versus refining and using our own oil. It’s a trading game.
I’m on Eternity. It worked.
Even if a female here said they wiggle the hose, not sure they would represent the general female population.
Are there any females here?
I hear a lot of pro-CPC in the area too. I think there may actually be a shift.
With Charlie Angus leaving, I’m curious if North Eastern Ontario will stay NDP. I hear a lot of people support the conservative party.
Who will replace him?
Yeah! I like my fake validation and fake likes from anonymous friends over here on lemmy. Fake friends are overrated.
That’ll be 10 buckaroos
So as a human I am supposed to get it wrong, right?
That’s interesting. Surprised it could take 4 years. Thought it took 10-15 years of slow receding hair lines.