• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • “… Don’t count XBox and PlayStation out”

    Article proceeds to list item after item of damning news for Xbox and PlayStation. Lol.

    • 80% of developers target PC vs much smaller numbers targeting anything else
    • SteamDeck puts up substantial numbers, when left off the survey, as a write-in comment option

    If Valve re-releases a “Steam Machine” console, Microsoft and Sony can look forward to their next console sitting next to the Atari Jaguar and Nintendo Virtual Boy on museum shelves.

    Edit: What Sony could do is release PlayStation hardware that runs Linux and Steam. I would pay a premium for their hardware (including their best in class controllers) running software I already trust.

  • I like my politics boring if it gets the job done and keeps improving and iterating on a better system.


    Of course, I try to stay aware that my ability to wait patiently for a better world is, in itself, a privilege.

    There’s wisdom in carefully iterating forward.

    But billionaires also need something to help them focus on cooperation toward a better world. They need to believe in some non-zero chance that the fate of some person they stepped on could randomly suddenly become their own fate.

    I don’t have answers for how that happens, but history says it’s almost never been pleasant for anyone concerned.

    I don’t know if we can all do better. I hope so.

  • Mastodon doesn’t by design, so they’re gonna have a much, much harder time there.

    In theory, yes. But what early switching folks are reporting is that the total impressions are much lower on Mastodon, but the total engagement is much higher, for the same effort.

    Which is confusing unless we factor in what we know about Twitter farming bot account on purpose to create an inflated appearance of success.

    Of course, there’s still the matter of Twitter genuinely has orders of magnitude more users. So as an either/or proposition, no way does it, yet, make sense to ditch Twitter for Mastodon.

    But for the value-to-reach ratio, with the same effort applied to both, anyway, Mastodon is actually already a better value than Twitter.

    All that to say, yeah, Twitter is better, purely due to the user base, and Mastodon’s algorithm actually treats creators better. Which we kind of already knew, as it was created by people fed up with Twitters abusive algorithms.