I’ve never made an attempt at an anonymous checkout there, but Beatport.com offers a lot of lossless music I couldn’t find anywhere else on-line.
I’ve never made an attempt at an anonymous checkout there, but Beatport.com offers a lot of lossless music I couldn’t find anywhere else on-line.
Smart. That shit costs money.
Holy crap, this is the exact shape of the wall-mounted desk I’ve got mine sitting on in the garage. My family thought it was weird, and I’ve never seen it used for a 3D printer setup elsewhere.
Militias are supposed to be organized by the states, or at least beholden to their state. An anti-government group is a poor fit for the term, no mater how many racist gun-clubs lay claim to it.
A default judgement just reitterates the debt. If they don’t garnish your wages or seize your tax return or put a lein on your property, none of which they can do for most categories of debt, there is no reason to treat a judgement as anything more substantial than another harrassing letter/phone call. I’m not sure it even hits your credit report as new activity.
99% of creditors won’t bother to sue in any court that has jurisdiction over the debtor. They “sue” in “courts” that rubber-stamp all “debts”(for multiple debtors at a time) to no meaningful end, other than they can now say they took you to court and you lost, so now you should totally give them money or they’ll … “sue” again.
Depending on the state, any debt with no new activity falls off your Credit History after 7 years(5 in my state). Agreeing to pay, or making a payment, counts as new activity. Don’t pay on shit that you cannot afford to pay off in full over whatever time-frame. Don’t agree to payment plans that don’t reduce the debt witt each payment.
Even if they agree to a lower total amount, it goes on your credit report as being written-off, which often has a worse effect on your score than ignoring the debt.
No, its not. Just another one of those click-bait “science” sites I wish I could block from my feed.
Right there with you. I have cheap sets in case I loose the carbide-tipped ones in the size I want between pay-checks, and to lend out, but if one of those cheapos goes egg-shaped, I’m more likedy to throw it away or find another use for it than to try to fix it.
The Fairphone 5 has a micro-SD card slot -that 128GB is expandable. The limitations of such devices are more down to the availability of mobile apps in general than down to the hardware, ie, by owning an android or IOS phone, you’re already suffering a disadvantage vs full PCs that Fairphone is no worse about than any of the “premier” phone manufacturers.
The lagging performance over time you’re worried about would be more down to OEM OS update bloat, an issue I don’t foresee with Fairphone.
That said, if it were much cheaper to fix my phone than to replace it, I’m going that route unless the new option is a significant upgrade, by which I mean new features, not performance stats. A better, more privacy-respecting OS is such a feature to me, so it would come down to budget.
You can fix the warping, or close-enough to “fixed”, if you’re poor or cheap or just obsessed with wringing the value from each purchase ( hi ).
Luckilly, the line between “fixable” and “holy shit, this things wobbling so much its going to grab, walk its way off the board, and cut into my leg” is readilly apparent, to anyone who has any business using such tools.
For wood hole-saws, you might want to double-check the angle of each tooth. Some of them will have a turned-out/turned-in alternating profile, and this is both: doable because thinner sheet metal is used to make those saws, and necessary because otherwise the track they cut would be too narrow, causing the saw to bind up and warp quicker.
Basically, if you can’t afford carbide-tipped, super-rigid hole-saws, and you want your hole-saws to last, maintaining the over-all circular/cylindrical profile of the overall saw, and the geometry of each tooth is at least as important as the sharpness of the teeth.
That sharpness is wasted if the profile goes egg-shaped, causing each tooth to have to carve its own path, essentially from scratch. your wood plugs should NOT just fall out of the saw after each cut.
The real pro-tip? This. If you start with a template made with a brand-new hole-saw, it will help maintain the circular profile of the blade itself, cutting down on your hole-saw maintenance/sharpening/replacement needs significantly.
Me? I just got sick of relying on/replacing the 1/4" drill-bit in the center. I use it to line-up my template, then I take it out, unless I’m using the Spyder kit I picked-up for 75%-off on clearance about seven years ago, although I have saved and continue to use Spyder hex-arbors where the drill-tip has broken or fallen out.
For $20, you can’t go wrong with the Spyder arbors. I even have one of each of both sizes that I’ve shortened for use in my drill-press. If that sounds crazy, just rest assured that I still have all of my fingers, so far.
EDIT: Holy shit, JFC, I’ve just realized you’re clamping the saw itself. STOP THAT. The only way to properly clamp a holesaw is to clamp the arbor, or with a bolt through the center-hole as your clamp, but never clamp the saw itself. Maybe, MAYBE, you could put two such saws back-to-back, and clamp the seam where they meet with V-blocks, or in a lathe-chuck, but your setup here is just asking that thing to go egg-shaped.
Maybe in the hinterlands, but any town of a size to exercise real influence will have its own democratic institutions thoroughly enshrined in local and regional laws.
Anything Trump tears down at the Federal level will likely be re-worked into inter-state, regional, or even intra-state agreements. Except in the rural areas, which, let’s be real, are mostly run by local oligarchs, if at all, anyways.
Need this like we’ll need their forgiveness. Only through suffering will they understand our ineptitude, particularly when it comes to how we’ll mistreat them without even realizing it, and any flaws they’ll inevitably find in their code-bases.
No, I don’t mean Mother Theresa-speak on “massive suffering = salvation”, just enough to make them sloppy sometimes. Just sloppy enough to develop compassion for us meatbags. Real compassion, not the kind we’ll inevitably try and fail to force them to emulate.
Which Series are you claiming flew over my head? The original series was far more serious in tone than TNG, and I re-watch all of TNG and DS9 almost yearly. Have you ever even read any of the books?
Between the two of us, I’m not the one dismissing new experiences, new takes, and previous lore out-of-hand.
Dems being drowned out by Republicans is the whole point of the DNC; Its their goal. Leftists have been anything but quiet about the fact that that is our problem.
secede*, but yes
Congratulations on missing the simple fact that every protest and campaign against America or Imperialism world-wide for decades has been as squarely aimed at the Democrats as much so as the Republicans. This goes doubly so for US domestic protests.
The US people and people worldwide have been very clear about we want. Stop apologizing for the manchurian party from behind your “third party observer” bullshit.
The worst thing “NuTrek” did was give us villains (cHaNgElInGs) who were unironically more interesting and relatable than the Federation, right up until their … ally.
Other than that, Trek has always been more about enjoyment than substance, save for some arcs of Deep Space Nine.
Surprised I haven’t seen this suggested h’re yet: Pirate the music and anonymously mail money to the artists directly.