• 97 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Sad to say, we should have diversified our trading many years ago (there was even an attempt 20 plus years ago under Chrétien). I have seen in my life Canada actually move away from trade with not US partners (CARIBCAN getting gutted for example). This stunt just shows how wrong it is to put all our eggs (good luck getting them now americans) in one basket. We need to stop sending raw materials (wood, ore, oil, coal, uranium, potash, etc.) to be made into finished goods and then buying those goods back. Transporting oilsand is a good example of how utterly stupid and wasteful this policy is (like we are talking about moving effectively mud with some crude in it across north america).

  • Oh the damage is done, there is no way Canada (not going to talk for other nations) will ever have as nice a trade relationship with the US. This was a wake up call for us and if we don’t diversify our trading partners then we deserve the pain the orange man will bring.

    Keep in mind we have spent 50 plus years getting the raw end of the deal with the US (softwood lumber, coal, power, oil sands, water etc.) all well telling ourselves that this is building a strong bond with our neighbours, only to now have it all turn to ash.

  • Dang it, I am here waiting for our crap prime minister to come out on stage to let the nation know if we are doing anything in response to this. Its like blue balling for national sovereignty.

    Edit going to write down my thoughts as he talks: Oh here he is… comes out with a grin then remembers this is not a good time for that. And now is talking “if” the usa goes though with these “threats”. MY DEAR SHITHEALING IDIOT, THIS IS NOT A WHAT IF! Like is this guy even working in todays reality, and not last weeks?

    “We stand at the ready to work together” so we are doing what? what does that mean?

    Oh 155 items being tariffed back, so we are responding to a total tariff regime with a limited one. I guess better then nothing?