Or light them on fire in front of a Trump building. But be smarter than a green baret: Get out first.
Or light them on fire in front of a Trump building. But be smarter than a green baret: Get out first.
Can’t rule out taking it by force.
Nah, my shoes are safe (except the laces). Their revenge consists of throwing stuff from tables etc. and hide small things under the rug. I have a lego Saturn V. It was thrown onto the ground, now I sometimes fins pieces under the rug in the living room. There’s dedication, the Lego set is upstairs in a spare room. But they also target spare keys from friends houses, my toothbrush once, pieces from a plate they threw off my kitchen counter and once they even stole my phone when I fell asleep on the couch, again neatly put under the living room rug.
What is the extra SATA SSD for? I have a spare nvme slot, but already have 2x 1TB nvme SSD’s. But a multiboot also works with 1 SSD, just make multiple partitions. Or am I missing something?
Oh I have no ads, I fixed that a long time ago. It’s just the fact Microsoft has the nerve to give you 2 bad options and forces you to take one. That’s just asshole business. They keep on working hard to take away control of your own machine, increase spying and forcing junk on you, you never asked for.
Maybe after my holiday I’ll try a dual boot, to get familiar with Linux, set everything up proper before leaving windows for good.
Going 110 hails you a cab.
I want to switch to Linux, but I’ve used windows for over half of my life, since my dad got a computer running win 3.1. Making the switch is hard, I have so many apps which I have a perfect workflow with. Directory opus for example, no Linux version. I need control for my corsair led junk. That’s hard on Linux too. Recently I tried to fix a raspi running Linux to see my NAS drives. I failed. I know a lot has Linux support, but it’s just too much for me right now to actually grow the balls to fucking do it. While at the same time Microsoft is working hard to make windows even worse then it already is. I’d switch to 10, but end this year updates will be paid subscription. Fuck Microsoft.
I’m 37 now. It’s kinda accurate when I was a teen.
Wow, wtf. That’s not narcicism, a narcicist doesn’t acknowledge it. That’s rly fucked up. Wtf is wrong with that person. Get them some mental help. That’s seriously fucked up.
So, all I have is your bias story to go on, (sorry but there’s no objectivity to pull from a one sided story) but if you’re right, it sounds like this “friend” has something resembling a narcicistic personality disorder or something like it. If that’s true, it’s something to worry about. People with a condition like this tend to lure you in with kindness, force you to do stuff for them with the so called “kindness” as leverage, but at the same time destroying you by feeding negativity to you and the people around you about you, to maintain control over you by playing with you insecurities. And with “you”, I mean your sister in this case. Your sister will just be a pawn in their game to get status, attention, control, which will result in your sister getting hurt a lot and them moving on onto another victim.
But there’s a chance this is all wrong, again, I’m basing it only on your story. I don’t know if you are seeing everything which is happening clearly. Cases like this are always very difficult.
Maybe you can advice your sister not to get too dependent and attached on this “friend” and to be careful. And be there for her when it goes south. Don’t judge her, she’s a victim. Be supportive. Other than that, I doubt there’s anything you can do. It’s something which will have to play out as long as your sister isn’t ready to take her distance. It will be a hard life lesson, but a valuable one. Prep her with your insight, let her make the choice.
That’s my advice.
Even if it’s opt in, they make it a choice between 2 evils. Like Microsoft. I booted my pc with windows 11, which updated against my will from win10, without my consent. Last week I got a screen asking me whether I wanted personalized or non personalized ads. I DON’T WANT FUCKING ADS! I fucking paid for it. But that’s not an option. “hi! I’m going to rape you. Would you like lube, or no lube?” The fucking dystopia we live in…
I don’t agree. I agree with him trying to get your attention, but I think it’s because he doesn’t want your attention at the stuff he’s actually doing. Plastic straws? Rly? Better double check whatever else he’s doing. He’s constantly distracting everyone with some weird bs to hide his malpractice. No one cares about some simple executive orders when he’s threatening to invade Canada, everyone will write about some stupid placric straws instead of some boring stuff which actually is harmful AF.
I bet Trump will manage to fix it with some weird unlawful executive order.
You’d think that, but I did get up, went to the toilet, got back on the couch and got claimed again by both like nothing ever happened. My kittens are sluts
It would be the biggest state. I doubt Canada has a republican majority, so for Republicans this would mean a nightmare. Never elected again. Not that elections will be an issue when Trump manages to sit until death, like his buddy Putin, and Xi.
Wait. What? We’re finally great, struggling to hold on, now MEGA wants to destroy it because they think world War 2 Germany was nice? We need more asylums.
Why though. I spell pardons.
No. Shit. Sherlock.
We have a winner
It doesn’t exist in the first place when you keep on killing Palestinians, you asshole! For fuck sake. Netanyahu isn’t any better than Hitler. (because especially him should know better)