Me paying my taxes has me certainly conflicted. Does that count?
Me paying my taxes has me certainly conflicted. Does that count?
Just pick this up and put it into a tub. Now they’re all full. Take that math!
Raw milk is silly…but also, now are the banned cheeses unbanned? Probably not cazu whatever the fuck, the Sardinian maggot cheese but there’s stuff like brie, but raw, that’s apparently yummy.
Go make guns and get them into schools then. Don’t need to be in a war to made some Yanks dead. We’ll fucking do it ourselves.
They’re trying to sound way smarter than they are. All that work with a thesaurus and yet they started their sentence with a fucking conjunction.
Kind of agree. You can’t actually finish the story without a stupid amount of grinding. The side quests are awful, with 4 or 5 different types of quests that all essentially boil down to area denial.
The gameplay loop sort of mimics doom eternal in that you’re rewarded and heavily encouraged to use your entire arsenal.
Unfortunately it’s a poor imitation that boils down to punch dude to knock up into a critable state then spray and pray. And use your abilities/grenades on cd.
Main storyline isn’t bad imo, it just sucks that a lot of the ending is hidden behind hours and hours of running the same 3 missions to level up your mastery.
If you really like DC shit and want to play a modern action game , you might get your $5 worth, otherwise ehhhhhh. How much is balatro? Lol
Totally original idea man, imagine if Netflix made a show showing the parallels of vampires and Catholics.
Also, we’re due for a new high school shooting record. Maybe we can break it this next time.
6.99 a sub for any sub was the last deal, until I went almost ordered 4 subs and it was fucking $40 still. Somehow $28 worth of subs wound up costing a little over $40. Fuck that shit, those are capriottis prices and id much rather have caps.
How can people forget about Suriname? Don’t they often hyphenate?
So, who wants to plan the next presidential assassination?
Hollywood circle jerk movie from a couple Oscar awards ago
Which aren’t? League could be fun of there weren’t a ladder and competition being the only thing people care about. You could do fun things like Aram but like, all sonas or shacos. Something wacky. Oops all fiddlesticks. Any shooter is going to work for community shooters, mods and CS proved that… Shit even MMOs have private servers with tweaked rules .
So…someone with autism?
Ladies and gentlemen, we Gautam
Go in side ways.