• 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2022


  • I hear you, I’ve spent way too much of my life in online leftists spaces and it’s tiring and frustrating trying to decipher trolls. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with directing people to resources but I do think we should give some benefit of the doubt. And also be realistic how much value we get from only sitting behind screens reading theory.

    To give you a real world example, I was heavily involved with the PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation in the U.S.) and we would often get refugee Bernie Bros after the 2016 election (I was even one of them). Many of them came with ideas of Socialism being plowing roads or universal healthcare or whatever the topic of the day was. Many of them would scoff at us when we told them about “”“real”“” Socialism, for lack of a better term, but many were open to the idea. I’ve had many great conversations in the real world with people from all over the political spectrum.

    I think the most important lesson I learned is that online it may feel like you have a big impact when you really don’t but in the real world it may feel like you don’t have any impact all but you really do.

    Hope that makes sense!

  • Just to be clear, it would be vetoed because the Republicans are the minority party right now (They only hold the house, not Senate or Presidency) and are proposing reducing funding from the IRS to pay for the Israel Aid package. The increased funding came from previous Biden passed legislation when Democrats had majority in all three places. Moreover, even if the house passes their bill it would instantly be shot down and returned to the house by the Democratic senate.

    What is interesting is if the Republicans will take a hardline stance on no fundings for Ukraine. Institutionalists on the Republican side are very much in support of sending aid to Isreal, Ukraine, and Taiwan but they have progressively lost power to the openly Fascist wing known as the “Freedom Caucus.” The Freedom Caucus, for very different reasons than MLs, are highly against sending aid to Ukraine but do silently support sending it to Isreal and Taiwan.