Sports was the first cassette I played so much that I wore it out. I was so happy when I found a cd of it.
If it is, he’ll be wanting a new drug.
Was Beethoven performing after hearing loss or only composing? One is more stressful than the other if you can’t hear pitch properly.
Is this like Death Becomes Her immortality where your meat suit is not invincible and no longer self-healing? If I didn’t have to worry about painful and horrible disfigurement, I’d probably choose Skyrim. If I have to be careful, then something real chill like Travel Town.
You really have to be In The Mood to put up with it.
This was my recruiter run-in experience too. “Hey, are you stressed out?” “Yeah, I’m working in DC, obv.” “Then come inside and take our free stress test.” “No thanks, I just got off work and it takes me 2 hours to get home.” The next day, I paid a little more attention to the building where it happened… said Scientology right there on the front. This was about 2000 when I had heard very little about them.
Omg, I wish this had occurred to me when I was in school.
“Yes, I’m requesting an accommodation to video every lecture because I can’t stay awake or retain anything from them at 1x.”
This one, #5, and #3 are my favorites. I’m enjoying your series!
Would you want to try a Nick Fury or “The Stare” from Black Snake Moan?
I think the ancients referred to them as “Sporty Spice”
To that I say “if you think I’m too much, go find less.”
If no one is taking credit for it on the flyer, it might be bait to get people to come out to a fake (& unlicensed) protest to get themselves arrested.
Edit: “unlicensed”…I meant there’s no city permit obtained for the gathering. Many cities require such permits so they have a head’s up for crowd control and first responder staffing. No permit would mean they declare it an illegal protest and that introduces potential arrests.
I need to go set up the vanity and connect the plumbing in the powder room. I should just get up right now and get into it. Anytime now. At least dry fit it. That wouldn’t take much time. If someone said, hey let’s go work on this, I’d hop up. I want to see the finished room very much. Ok, maybe this time…3, 2, 1…
The date will be 2/5/25. I think it’s more symbolism of protesting Project 2025.
They left out writing the number of your attorney or the ACLU on yourself in sharpie, so you’ll have it if you need it.
The global hitchiker’s currency is gas, grass, or ass.
This looks like it could be in Nara. And if so, those deer make the most nightmarish of noises. Without really opening their mouths. So you look around for the ancient demon that just groaned and all you see are deer staring you down, waiting for you to offer up their treats.
Like I get someone tried to say leery or wary at the same time and it came out all jumbled. But then the mistake took on a terrible life of its own.
If you’re gonna break the rules, go all in!
Strange that this pretty mundane conversation formed a strong memory when I can’t remember what I ate for breakfast.