Tbh that’s a really cute name.
Tbh that’s a really cute name.
Stupid question - are whole plant foods just fruit and veggies and nuts, or is it also stuff like nut milks, chickpea pasta, etc?
That was an incredibly interesting read. Do you know of any other planned mega structures like that?
Adding onto this, it was totally free and you could just endlessly scroll through profiles, read them, look at their answers to questions, etc. No need to say “yes” or “no” to each profile judt to see the next one. And if you answered all of the personality questions (there were hundreds if not thousands) you were invited to become a site mod, which I did.
That looks bomb. What’s the secret to good curry? I’ve tried a dozen recipes and it never comes out good.
Yeah the OG OKCupid was incredible. Then it was bought out and became another swiping app.
Half of my job is now done with AI, mostly PowerShell scripting and creating PowerPoints / reports. I just play videogames or cook or clean for half of the workday now.
The older I get, the longer hangovers last. I’ve gotten pretty good at squashing them. The secret is to take a multivitamin plus b-12 and iron before bed, along with plenty of water and electrolytes. If I still feel off in the morning, a fruit smoothie with kale sets me straight.
I’m not the guy you’re responding to, but if you want a really interesting take on sci-fi mixed with medieval fantasy then check our Jaran by Kate Elliott.
It’s been entirely too long since I read those books!
I didn’t think me and the other guy were arguing, though. There were no bad feelings.
Your grandma had amazing taste (pun intended).
I think our definition of “pick me girl” is different which is why we’re not seeing eye-to-eye.
The article does not say that the actress felt that Meredith was a “pick me girl”. It highlighted one specific scene that she felt was cringe, but fans of the show loved.
What about the one in March? Or is that a different topic?
That’s absolutely not what it means. As someone who went from homelessness to 6-figures, smart moves don’t require stomping on others.
I was the lucky grandchild tasked with getting rid of my grandma’s spicy book collection after she passed. There were so, so many of them.
If the covers are anything to go by, we have similar taste in men.
I had this realization a few months ago and got pretty sad about it. But now I realize that I have complete and total freedom to just do whatever I want because no one gives af about me. Lay on the couch all day and binge soap operas? Cozy. Make a mistake? No one sees it. Move to another country? Why not. I don’t have to answer to anyone and it’s amazing.
I would consider vet to mean that they completed their tenure there, similar to how a soldier becomes a veteran after their service ends.