I actually donate a lot, bout every two months for whole blood. I do it all the time so afterwards I feel no difference, maybe a sore arm if the phlebotomist wasn’t the best. If you go in with an empty stomach you might feel crappy and if you go in dehydrated they’ll struggle getting the blood… and you’ll feel pretty crappy.
I do it mostly for the civic duty of it all. Better to help when you can imo. Also there is a ton of data about donating blood being good for you. I’ve seen articles on it helping remove micro plastics and PFAS chemicals from the body. So hey, might as well
No but close, that was the mega size rx78 I was working on
Yeah, I definitely learned from this one. That’s basically my process now. Test spray on spoons then model. I really like the hobby mio gloss black. Looks nice and is actually black
Yeah, I was a bit bummed tbh. But after some time I actually like it. Makes it a bit more unique imo
Same. Also just the facts that wrap-around stickers NEVER work. I just masked off the spike and antenna and sprayed white on. More work to break out the airbrush but I HATE stickers that much lol
lol, truth. For me it’s way more a skill thing. My hands get shaky and I can’t place them well. Exception being any stickers that wrap around. Those just don’t work and don’t know why Bandai still uses them
Thanks! Posing is really nice on this one. The cape has a bit of wire in it letting you get some nice dynamic shots