They did apply a lot of pressure during the primary. The total uncommitted in the Primary was 706,591 (Which may have been undercounted) which is absolutely massive for a primary. On average, general turnout is twice that of primary turnout. The Democratic Party knew that at they were risking at least 1.4 million votes by ignoring the issue. Here Are 34 Polls That Show A Ceasefire & Weapons Embargo Help Kamala Win. They also knew throughout the whole campaign that a vast majority of their constituents wanted weapons embargo and permanent ceasefire (required by domestic and international law), plus a majority of independents and Republicans. There was no valid reason for the Democratic Party to ignore the demands of that many voters, especially if trying to win an election
While I do agree that voting for the lesser evil is the correct thing to do for harm reduction and advocated for people to do so during the campaign, ultimately this points to a much larger issue with our supposedly representative institutions.
Unfortunately, the reality is the vast majority of people do not vote on the basis of harm reduction or lesser evil. Most people are too busy working paycheck to paycheck and tuned out of politics. That said there any plenty of popular policies that would gain their interest, policies that would improve their material conditions. Both good policy and good communication is needed here. As well as good politics to follow through and deliver those policies.
Polls on policy
Democrats’ Working-Class Failures, Analysis Finds, Are ‘Why Trump Beat Harris’
2024 Post-Election Report: A retrospective and longitudinal data analysis on why Trump beat Harris
How Trump and Harris Voters See America’s Role in the World
Majority of Americans support progressive policies such as higher minimum wage, free college
Democrats should run on the popular progressive ideas, but not the unpopular ones
Here Are 7 ‘Left Wing’ Ideas (Almost) All Americans Can Get Behind
Finding common ground: 109 national policy proposals with bipartisan support
Progressive Policies Are Popular Policies
Tim Walz’s Progressive Policies Popular With Republicans in Swing States
The much larger issue is whether the Democratic Party, which is supposed to represent the working class (at least since the New Deal), is genuinely interested in listening to and fighting for their voter base (working class people) or are instead prioritizing the desires of the Donor Class who provide a significant amount of money to the Party (as well as the Republican Party) and who’s capital interests are opposed to the voter base. To me it seems clear that the Democratic Party prioritizes the donors at the expense of the voters.
And if that is the case, we have a serious issue. No one is genuinely representing the material interests of the vast majority of Americans. Both parties are completely captured by corporate interests and one only serves as a controlled opposition, creating a rachet effect towards Fascism.
In that case, I think the only way forward is grassroots. Community organizations and unions that do genuinely represent the material needs of the working class. Which is also a problem because unions have been systematically dismantled for decades, we are only recently seeing a resurgence. Non-profit organizations are under serious threat of being labeled terrorist organizations and cut out from all federal funding with no evidence needed. Despite that, I still think it’s the only real way forward. Especially with the Democratic Party refusing to recognize the reason for their loss (they instead decided to blame it on their advocation of trans rights, which is completely unacceptable and untrue)