The setting that worked for me is “Switch to Bitwig.” :D
But seriously, I never got Ardour to work on any OS, and that seriously bums me out. I’d love to be just that much closer to 100% FOSS.
The setting that worked for me is “Switch to Bitwig.” :D
But seriously, I never got Ardour to work on any OS, and that seriously bums me out. I’d love to be just that much closer to 100% FOSS.
“It’s what … I do?”
The US really needs a replacement, for example a national digital ID based on PKI… you revoke their access to the account, and everything else that uses the account can keep working
There is already an open standard growing around exactly this concept, Web5 Distributed IDs (DID): https://dev.to/tbdevs/what-is-web5-233o
Disclosure: I worked on the implementation for an Open Banking company (does that need to be disclosed? <shrug> I’m including it lest someone think I’m a shill)
Okay, I just recorded some h.265 footage with a Pixel 7a. I haven’t had a chance to pull the video into Resolve (another Blackmagic product). Using Camera 2 is intuitive* and powerful. Quick, intuitive controls for focus, exposure, and white balance locks. Easy focus and exposure, easy access to the controls I need on the fly. I didn’t see a RAW video option, but the gamut looks reasonable enough to be able to apply a LUT and still get the final effect I want. YMMV, however I think this results in video that I can use when I’m shooting in situations where I don’t want to use my bigger video camera. This is now my go-to for quick shoots and conditions when I don’t want to use the bigger, more expensive cameras.
So, thanks OP for this post!
*Gawd, I hate that word for software, but it fits here.
Halo effect warning. I own/use some other Blackmagic camera, controls, and software; they’re industrial strength. I was irrationally avoiding them for reasons I can’t even recall now. Probably some BS “Who are they? They can’t possibly be any good.” So I’m excited to try this out, but my knee jerk reaction is: FINALLY! Blackmagic’s products IMO have so much attention to things pros need, that even if this is only so-so, it could easily evolve into making Android phones a semi-proper video camera competitor to iOS ProRes.
Yeah, that doesn’t really answer your question, but hopefully adds some context to something something cinnamon toast crunch.
Yes, it’s duct tape.
The Force is strong with this bike.
With studded fat tires and mid-drive, no need to wish away the time, even if it is winter! 😁
Not to be confused with transcoding, which is important to viewing media.
When was the last time you even tried to live without buying anything built by exploited labor, abusive extraction processes, and run by oligarchs? You can’t. It would maybe look like a hunter-gatherer or maybe a primitive pastoral life. It is literally impossible for any of us to be having this discussion in this medium without some of exploitation and/or abuse. There is no moral consumption under capitalism, hell probably even impossible under any globalism.
So fuck right the fuck off with your sanctimonious bullshit.
Okay, seriously now y’all … I’m already all ready from the last time we had to gear up and roll out. But can we please get links to primary sources with this screenshots?
OP asked about amateur radio bands, which are mutually exclusive of 802.11 bands.
Got a source on that? According to Backblaze, Seagate seems to be doing okay (Backblaze Drive Stats for Q1 2024 https://www.backblaze.com/blog/backblaze-drive-stats-for-q1-2024/), especially given how many models are in operation.
Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording. It uses a laser to heat the drive platter, allowing for higher areal density and increased capacity.
I am ignorant on the CMR/SMR differences in performance
Pssh… call me when they’re dipping in McD Szechuan sauce. That’s the real sign of intelligence.
I grew up in NY. The gun control laws were draconian 45 years ago. I can’t imagine they have become more lax since I departed the state 30 years ago.
My misguided, ignorant younger self would absolutely assume self-blame.
Now I’ve got engineering powers and skillz! I can rationalize… errrr, I mean EXPLAIN my missteps with root cause analyses and preventative actions! 😆
Here’s a link to the article for those people like me who don’t trust a screenshot: https://www.themarshallproject.org/2024/12/11/pregnant-hospital-drug-test-medicine
Wow, yeah, it sounds like they shit in their own lunchbox. I’m always disappointed, but never surprised, to see the arc of a business move in the direction you describe. It’s like they never learn about the death spiral of taking away the features that made them great.
FWIW, I regularly use a Zoom H8 and do my major editing/mixdown in Tenacity, minor quick stuff directly in the H8. I give Ardour a try every few years, and things are definitely getting better. I just don’t have a lot of patience for getting the audio working in Ardour. I still support Ardour because I see that things are improving.
Edit to add: I think it says a lot of good things about the Ardour project that one has to dig a bit to find the donation link. For people who can and want to financially support Ardour, here it is: https://community.ardour.org/donate