• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • “With respect to content that is already on the open web, the social contract of that content since the 90s has been that it is fair use. Anyone can copy it, recreate with it, reproduce with it. That has been freeware, if you like. That’s been the understanding,” said Suleyman.

    Ugh. Social contract, free use, freeware - those all mean very different things. I don’t think the head of a department like that should be blabbing to the public if they’re going to mix up terms like that. Do they not have PR and legal departments that are versed in anything beyond Microsoft’s historical business methods (lie, steal, and fearmonger about open source)?

    Not to mention that in some places, you cannot give up the IP rights over code you write.

    Not to mention “fair use” is primarily for artistic endeavors.

    Not to mention “freeware” is for programs, not written word blog posts or images.


  • I just got back from a trip to a substantially less developed country, and really living in a country, even for a little bit, where I could see how many lives that money could improve, all being poured down the Microsoft Fabric drain, it just grinds my gears like you wouldn’t believe. I swear to God, I am going to study, write, network, and otherwise apply force to the problem until those resources are going to a place where they’ll accomplish something for society instead of some grinning clown’s wallet.

    Amen. We always need more insiders who are ready to take up the cause of not doing stupid shit with the ungodly accumulation of resources our society has permitted, especially when we are currently leaving so much of the world to play catch-up while we continue to leech them dry.

  • Not necessarily cash, but definitely a bit of luck. Some lawyers, if they think a case is guaranteed to go your way, will do the work for free in exchange for receiving a portion of the damages the final judgement will award you. Even rarer, some lawyers care enough about some issues on a personal level that they’ll work for free, or reduced rates, on certain cases.

    In this case, I’m not sure there are any damages whatsoever to award to OP - a “win” is forcing the company to abide by the GPL, not pay up money. The EFF and the FSF, as others have brought up, are probably the best bet to find lawyers that would work on this case for the outcome instead of the pay.

  • Tout comme a une époque les portugais et polonais n’étaient pas blancs au meme titre que les français “de souche”, la déclinaison politique et sociale des “races” s’adapte avec le temps et aux besoins de ceux au pouvoir (et notamment des que les anciennes limites entre “races” deviennent un rapport de force trop perdant).

    Le discours du RN c’est clairement “on se permet de faire payer aux non-francais tout ce qu’il faudra pour nous mettre bien”. D’où slogans comme “preference nationale” (tiens donc ca ressemble drôlement a “socialisme national”). C’est de ca dont @peotr26@sh.itjust.works parle quant il évoque le pacte raciale. Donc tes cohabitants qui votent a 55% pour le RN avec en tête “tant pis pour les autres, au moins on va s’occuper de moi” s’inscrivent dedans, peu importe leur couleur de peau ou leurs "origines’. Et il faut soit être ignorant, soit avoir ca en tête pour voter RN aujourd’hui.

  • According to Our World In Data (which claims to use the Energy Institute’s Statistical Review of World Energy from 2023 as a data source), that waste is from producing around 70 TWh each year:

    That only covers around a third of Switzerland’s energy consumption over those years. Furthermore, Switzerland is a small mountainous country with decent access to hydropower (making up around a third of its needs over the same years). They are not necessarily representative of the waste that would accumulate from a more agressive switch from fossil fuels to nuclear across the world (which is what we’re talking about, if I’m not mistaken).

    France is about 10 times larger in surface area and according to the same source, consumed/produced over 1,000 TWh of nuclear energy each year:

    And officially has still has no place to put the high-energy waste (source - in french), leaving it up to the plant’s owners to deal with it. There is an official project to come up with a “deep” geological storage facility, but no political will seems musterable to make that plan materialize beyond endless promises.

    I should mention that I’m not super anti-nuclear, and I would certainly rather we focus on eliminating coal and oil power plants (and ideally natural gas ones as well) before we start dismantling existing nuclear reactors that are still in functioning order.

    That being said, there are other problems with nuclear moving forwards besides waste management. The main one that worries me is the use of water for the cooling circuits, pumped from rivers or the sea. Not only do open cooling circuits have adverse affects on their surrounding ecosystems, as the planet gets warmer and the temperature swings during the hotter seasons become more pronounced, the power plants will become less efficient. The water going in will be at a higher temperature than it is today, and thus will absorb less energy from the nuclear reaction itself.

    Overall, I don’t trust our current collective responsibility as a species to manage our current forms of nuclear production. Russia sent its own troops into the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone to dig trenches in contaminated soil last year, and they allegedly recognized last week that the Zaporizhzhia power plant is now “unsafe to restart” because of the military activity in the region.

    The world has not experienced generalized warfare with nuclear power plants dotting the countryside; WW2 ended around a decade before the first nuclear power plants were up and running in the USSR, the UK, and the USA.

    Not to mention how few European countries have access to uranium on their own soil/territory. Of course, most of the rare earth metals used in photoelectric panels and windmills aren’t found there either, but as least with “renewables” they are used once to make the machinery, not as literal fuel that is indefinitely consumed to produce power.

    I don’t know enough about thorium-based reactors nor molten salt-based reactors to go to bat for them instead, but they seem like a more promising way for nuclear to remain relevant.