• 31 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Ik erger vooral aan het gebruik van “radicaal rechts” in de media. Bij de pvv geloven ze in omvolking, zijn journalisten tuig en ik weet nog wel welk groep ze onderandere minder willen hebben.

    Moeten we wachten tot ze oproepen tot geweld? Of zijn hun ideeën en honden fluitjes genoeg om extreem rechts gewoon extreem rechts te noemen.

    De nos gaat dus mee met het verplaatsen van wat normaal is in de politiek, maar ik vind ze geen Telegraaf 2.0

  • J4g2F@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldAh shit
    3 days ago

    The Netherlands just finished and walked out of this picture. But yeah we now have new discussions in Congress if umvolkung/the great replacement theory is a fact or if it a fascist conspiracy theory. According to the cabinet it’s a fact and you can be minister and believe in it. (For example the minister that’s decideds about immigration)

  • J4g2F@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPunch left only
    6 days ago

    Same as all liberals they rather protect capital and work together extreme right parties. Then giving some crumbs to the left.

    Same happened in the Netherlands with the vvd and nsc. They are now in a cabinet with extreem right(wich the media isn’t called extreme right any more but radical right) and in the senaat they will be working together with the FvD (a (proto) fascist party) and the sgp a extreme christian party.

    He now hopes the left voters are so scared they vote for him and when he doesn’t get a majority his party will work together with extreme right.

    Edit: but not French, however we in the Netherlands already had this happen. Same is happening all over the western world and outside of it.

  • Even if something like proxmox or a Debian install with docker is more customizable. It’s a steep learning curve.

    But isn’t something like truenas scale a option? I run Emby(as my media Server) and the arr’s on it. All the apps are already in the “software store” including plex. And setup of the arr’s is just the same as normal. All installs are basically automatic.

    I easy passthrough my intel gpu in the config page on the webportaal, but don’t how easy it is for Nvidia or amd. Especially with Nvidia due to drivers. But maybe someone here knows?

  • I work as a theatre tech (light and sound) at a college(theatre arts department). I do however use Linux and made some scripts in Python to control my ligtdesk and sound table. So a bit of IT related work. But also talk with students about the creative part of lights, sound and projection and how they can use it during and after there study in there shows.

    I also do some shows for them in the small Theatre in the college and outside the college.

    And give them a workshop teaching them the basics and how they can tell to a tech what they want and how they can do somethings themselves.

  • Not American, but please keep in mind that the national inflation rate is not necessary someone’s personal inflation rate.

    For example when inflation was in the 10%+ here my personal rate was almost 30%. My dad for example buys his bread in his local bakery it was €3 for a 1 loaf and didn’t go up. The bread I buy was €1,02 then it went up to €1,96. That’s 80%+ inflation will my dad had zero. This still is the case(luckily not as bad anymore some prices went down again) with the cheapest stuff. For me personally it doesn’t matter if already to expensive tomatoes only went 5% up. What’s matters is the cheapest.

    For another example new cars didn’t go up much, but I couldn’t buy a new car anyway. (And how the fuck buys a new car every year?) It’s a meaning less number.

    You don’t know if someone’s rent went up %20 or there stable food supply. Personal inflation especially if you are already struggling is a removed.

    That’s being said the price hikes are do to higher prices of materieels and most important record profits for companies. You can blame (in the USA) Biden for keeping the system in places which profits on the basic needs of humans, but not necessary the current inflation numbers.

    Same with jobs the numbers go’s up you can credit Biden for that, you again can blame him (and his colleagues on both sides(and the not Biden side is much worse)) that you can barely scrap by on a single job.

    Simple said personal experience is not numbers.

  • I live in the Netherlands and now pay €188 a year. It’s just a “wa” insurance meaning if I hit something they pay the damage of the other’s, but not mine damage.

    I drive a car from 2009 and have 10 years of no damages. So if your willing to move to the Netherlands wait 10 years you can lower your payment. (Not really a option I guess)