The car is barely 3 years old! But yes this side does face the sun
The car is barely 3 years old! But yes this side does face the sun
It’s possible, but it’s been extremely cold and overcast where I live for the past month. If anything, the rain froze and popped it off?
The couple of reasons I jumped straight to it being a person are the streaks that really look like nail marks and the area I live in. People around here (without giving away EXACTLY where I live, of course) are either young and reckless or on some sort of drug (be it meth, opiates, etc). I can absolutely see someone walking up to it in a parking lot, seeing the already cracking clearcoat, and chipping away at it!
I was hoping to get some comments asking for more information so I could give more relevant answers, but everyone seems to be assuming I live in suntown USA!
Luckily no neighborhood beef, my closest neighbors live over a half mile away!
Oh yeah, for sure! I was hoping I could hold off a little bit to save up for a fancy cover but this might have tipped the scales a little faster than I wanted
Just curious, did it also have those streaks? Obviously my first thought was fingernails (could be because I have the urge to peel cracking clear coat and I’m projecting lol). It’s just bizarre happening when it did, and where I live since it’s essentially been cloudy and overcast just about every day this month! I needed to get it fixed regardless, so no harm no foul I guess?
Thanks for the tips, and here’s to perfect clear coat and smooth paint to you!
I’ll catch you someday. I know it!
No, I’m just assuming based on the streaks left by what I assumed to be nails
I didn’t know that sub existed, thanks! I’ll wait on posting there until I’ve confirmed it was actually fingernails, since the other comments said it may be something else 😉
Not necessarily a stone chip, but likely a tree branch chip that started it! This is the rear wing on my car so I feel like a stone hitting it is a little unlikely, but ultimately not impossible I suppose. The spot wasn’t growing at all when I originally noticed it, then one day it was massive. I always took care around it because I obviously didn’t want to make it worse by washing it.
I suppose it’s possible that the horrendous rain around here did it though!
The sun started it (combined with tree branch scratches), for sure! But those streaks scream nail marks to me, since the spot wasn’t getting any bigger until one day it was massive
Queens in the Stone Age?
Well what the hell is the point then?!
Wait. The accent. I’m down for it again
2003 Toyota Prius (passed down through the family, finally gave up the ghost)
2015 Toyota Yaris (still have a special place in my heart for this but I ended up selling it)
1993 Chevy K1500 (learned manual on this, still drive it!)
2023 GR Corolla
Edit: not sure if this counts as a car but I’ve recently acquired a 1986(?) Honda Fourtrax 350!
Me too, I just can’t imagine a comfortable way to hold it as a mouse and better yet, didn’t even notice the mouse sensors until watching it a third time after seeing all the people talking about it!
I was convinced it was just Nintendo implying the new shoulder button attachment would be called “skates” or something
I think a big issue is that in the cave dweller scenario, there were likely other cave dwellers to teach them how to hunt (and potentially safely opening cromagnon brand rock soda cans?)
Now, getting lost with a gps is one thing, but all the other wild stuff you see on the road is definitely the result of someone not teaching someone else the important things somewhere down the road (figuratively and literally)
I love the “clone tool takes too long, slap a gray box over it” mentality with this
Really reflects my mood for the past month
To be honest the ghost seems pretty chill, I’d keep it around as my little buddy
What a complete fool, not being a complete fool.
Assuming you haven’t tried it, what about an online converter to APNG? Those look like they are almost fully supported by every major browser (and have transparency!)
As for the online converter part, it might end up looking terrible but it’s a place to start I guess
All for the low low price of 300,000 atlantian dabloons!
Also it’s in an HOA.