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Dude you have problems.
Trump literally told the proud boys to stand by, called neo-nazis “good people” and I just don’t even get where you’re going.
Politics isn’t a sport, and the fuckers who didn’t vote deserve the blame because people will be hurt.
You’re the one who seems to be trying to make it a game.
You’ll never outrun the propaganda, particularly when you’re as much a vector for it as a victim of it.
Mother-fucker, I outran literal rednecks with bats, I lived there, what the fucking fuck?!
Are you serious? You genuinely believe it isn’t that bad?
What do you think it’s like?!!?!
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Ignorant moron.
There are hundreds of these investigations, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Chauvin was in 2021
Seriously, as a brown person, shut the fucking fuck up! You have no idea what living in this country under republicans is like, you can’t begin to imagine it and you need to take your privileged dick out of your overprivileged ass and realize what many of us are going to have to face now.
Literally have the KKK reforming in anticipation of his inauguration, it’s “good people on both sides” all over again.
Because my country is populated by worthless inbred trash that fall for something so simple as “Hey! Look over there!”
Not having a genocide of PoC at home wasn’t one of them.
Jim Crow.
The south still has similar voting restrictions, it’s just the supreme court stopped caring and said ‘sure, whatevs’.
Listen, as a brown person in America, just be honest.
You caea about the genocide of brown people elsewhere, just not here.
It’s OK, the vote is over, you don’t have to deny it anymore, we get it, it’s not like we’re surprised or anything, it’s basically America’s legacy.
The shocking part?
We thought you at least cared about women, but you’re literally no better than the racist sexist fascist neoconfederates that are proud to vote Trump.
Just be honest with your words, your actions already spoke the truth.
Seriously, fucking racist as fuck ‘left’.
We’re going to have a genocide of brown people right here, but they don’t give the slightest shit.
Dude, fucking spoiler alert man, wtf?
Hey, easy there.
They also don’t give a shit about the genocide of Mexicans in America either.
I wouldn’t normally consider antisemitism, but maybe that’s why they only care about Palestinians and literally nobody else. Or maybe it’s just their own special version of racism.
As a brown person in America they clearly don’t care about genocide here.
Maybe it’s like champagne, it’s only genocide when in the genocide region of Israel, when Russia does it it’s just sparkling ethnic cleansing.
Putin says “Deeper”
Trump says “Hlaotheep-larg-larg?”
We will have peace for our time.
Rural island off the coast of a european country:
10g fiber for $65/mo (I don’t even think they cared, I asked for more and I think they made up a number).
House literally down the street from google in silicon valley:
Comcrap $100 for shit cable, I’m paying $250 for actual upload speed.
This country is ruled by the corrupt.
This isn’t blackmail, this is just expressing clear dominance.
The blackmail happens behind closed doors, and blackmail is such an ugly word: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG6vgzAswgE
That’s a nice fantasy, fascists being incapable of reading and therefore incapable of invading other countries and killing people.
Where do you think the American fascists came from?
He used the Jim Crow south as his model for Germany, and after the war, black GIs came back from liberating Europe to be lynched by Southern law enforcement.
They are our fascists, through and through, always have been.
I think you didn’t understand the question yourself.
As a father of a daughter, that’s the best choice.
The bear might have eaten recently, I’d rather risk that than the alternative.
Men are so utterly broken, have been forever.
Gotta say, the US Army has made major progress.
50 years ago our weakness was really any STDs whatsoever.