Suppose I’ll get used to it in a while. Thanks for the tip regarding sunscreen, hadn’t considered that.
Asking on my own behalf - I’m in my early twenties and actively noticed my hair starting to thin a few months ago. I’m honestly a bit uncomfortable with how quickly it’s been progressing as I quite like my hair.
Maybe it’s stress or something?
Sounds very pleasant. Reminds me of when I was in the scouts as a teen. All bunked up in a cabin in the woods, chilly air staved off by a crackling fire and blankets, folks singing songs, eating marshmallows and just vibing.
What does happiness mean for you?
To answer my own question - I’d like to raise children of my own some day. To give them the chance to find their own passions and live on in a world hopefully better than my own. To share in the joys of curiosity that children have, and hopefully nurture that to remain into adulthood.
I don’t know if I can achieve that. There’s a lot that needs to be done to provide a stable living in this day and age - I myself need to grow, get the skills and means to provide, and also find a partner with similar ambitions.
Getting through to university was an achievement I suppose, but it feels all to easy to stumble and fail anywhere along the way. The world keeps moving, doesn’t care at all if I fall off.
I’ll get back to you on that. If you like you can contact me via email
This is, as a matter of fact, incorrect. There is only one law regarding what in english might be called “hate speech”. It refers to “agitation against a population group”, and is the only exception to freedom of expression relevant in this context, mentioned in “brottsbalken”, our criminal law.
Brottsbalken, Kap. 16, 8 § Den som i ett uttalande eller i ett annat meddelande som sprids uppmanar till våld mot, hotar eller uttrycker missaktning för en folkgrupp, en annan sådan grupp av personer eller en enskild i någon av dessa grupper med anspelning på ras, hudfärg, nationellt eller etniskt ursprung, trosbekännelse, sexuell läggning eller könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck, döms för hets mot folkgrupp till fängelse i högst två år.
Criticism of religion however is raised in other, more important parts of law, namely the Swedish form of Government (our constitution). It is there, specifically and repeatedly, mentioned as a kind of speech and expression that is protected. As such, in the case of Salwan Momika it’d have been necessary to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he intended to target muslims by burning quran books, rather than (as he himself claimed) to openly criticize islam. Nobody has as of the posting of this comment been deemed guilty of agitation for burning any religious texts in Sweden under the current law.
This is part of why the trial of him and his companion ended up taking so long. It was one of the first high-profile cases of its kind and likely to set precedent on the topic. As such, I consider his assassination on the night before the verdict of his trial to be not only a barbaric act of violence, but also an explicit attack on the Swedish legal system, our constitution and our freedom of expression.
Not surprising in the slightest. Greenland has to varying extents been affiliated with the Scandinavias for more than a thousand years now, whilst the connection to the US is… nonexistent.
Personally I don’t like it either, but at the same time the situation is devolving completely. Apartment buildings being subjected to bomb attacks on a daily basis, and in such a sparsely populated country as Sweden.
This isn’t new. Violent crime has been getting worse year by year here in Sweden during the past decade, and right now I’m quite thankful to be living in a rather rural town.
Probably easier to just paint over rather than remove them.
Can of spray paint and just a sheet of cardboard to shield anything sensitive you don’t want to get damaged.
Nuclear isn’t dispatchable.
This statement is false.
“A dispatchable source of electricity refers to an electrical power system, such as a power plant, that can be turned on or off; in other words they can adjust their power output supplied to the electrical grid on demand. Most conventional power sources such as coal or nuclear power plants are dispatchable in order to meet the always changing electricity demands of the population. In contrast, many renewable energy sources are intermittent and non-dispatchable, such as wind power or solar power which can only generate electricity while their primary energy flow is input on them.”
Source: (Provided by the University of Calgary)
Either you don’t know what you’re talking about, or are actively deceptive. I sincerely hope it is the prior. As such, I suggest that you educate yourself on the topic before commenting further to avoid spreading disinformation.
The main argument for nuclear is not its individual cost, neither for remewables. The main argument is that we need to rid ourselves of fossil fuels.
When planning for a future global energy system w/o fossil fuels, nuclear power has a key role to play as the most reliable source of clean, dispatchable electricity. This allows it to punch far above its equivalent capacity by massively reduce the need for expensive grid scale storage solutions.
Source 1: IEA (2019), Nuclear Power in a Clean Energy System, IEA, Paris, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Source 2: NEA (2019), The Costs of Decarbonisation: System Costs with High Shares of Nuclear and Renewables, OECD Publishing, Paris
Please do stay!
Yeah, a lot of the fediverse has an extreme left slant, and that’s coming from someone living in a rather left-leaning country.
As someone who jumped the reddit ship during the blackout protest and has been here ever since, mostly out of principle, it has slowly been getting better as more people filter in.
I’m not, but German grid mismanagement is a major contributor to the crisis in our country.
Y’all seriously need to stabilize your grid so that it can handle a bit of unpredictable weather without causing electricity price spikes across the entire European electricity market.
Personally, I find the discussion of equality and equity to be quite interesting. Partly because of which areas where either may be considered preferable, and which areas where implementing equity policies ends up leading to objectively worse outcomes, usually in the long term and on a societal level.
Happens more often than you may realize. Someone being “correct” on a topic in an objective sense is good, but that doesn’t necessarily outweigh their flaws. Also worth keeping in mind that “left” or “right” ideology can mean very different things in different parts of the world.
An easy example from my own country - our left wing worked hard to shut down functioning nuclear power plants with plenty of time left to run whilst the right wanted to preserve them. Left largely got their way on the issue, and now we’re in an electricity crisis due to a lack of dispatchable capacity.
Think for yourself, consider ideas & statements based on their own merits rather than judging them by who is embracing them at the current moment. A century ago it was the Democratic party pushing jim crow laws in the US and the RNC were championing civil rights.
Yup, fact is a majority of people in thd US agree on many of the most important issue, yet the governing structure seeks to “otherize” people from each other as much as possible in order to prevent meaningful discourse and foster division.
So the farmers will have to pay their workers a liveable wage?
How terrible…
Labor scarcity drives innovation & increases standards of living by driving up the value that workers can demand in exchange for their time. It’s simple economics.
I would be positively shocked if this gained traction. Many islamic countries seem to be limiting rather than extending womens and girls rights at the moment.
The reuters article is rather sparse, CNN has a more in depth one.
This is the worst mass shooting in Swedish history to date.
Minister of State Ulf Kristersson held a press conference a few hours ago, and the King has issued a statement also.
It’s honestly quite draining with the constantly escalating violence. Many here didn’t initially react or realize the magnitude when the initial news hit after lunch citing five people shot.
Right now though one of our most prolific Swedish online forums (flashback) is down due to excessive traffic, and last I saw the news have blown up on mainstream platforms too.