He’s been doing some interesting low budget stuff on the side. Synchronic, Io, a bunch of others I haven’t seen.
Using wireless to control the drone makes the drone and operator very easy to detect. Controlling via fiber it’s mush harder to detect.
I’m poly but have a friend who it’s VERY poly. Her squigle is huge. I have no idea how they manage.
Pocket. A closed source binary blob in a “open source” project.
Orbit: AI productivity tool.
Anonym: Ad server.
Locking down extensions.
Cutting 250 jobs while raising executive pay 400%.
In 2021 the CEO made 5.5 million. They got about 7 million in donations that year.
80% of their revenue is from google. But google encourages them to waste the money on stuff not related to the browser because it’s competition to chrome. Their job us to look like a viable competitor but not be good one.
The browser is constantly getting worse on performance, user experience, and customizability.
They have gone from 34% user share to 2.2%. So clearly I’m not alone in my opinion of the current state of the browser.
First season of Orphan Black was the best. It gets worse each session. I gave up halfway through the least session.
Neat. I know almost nothing about the the Higgs field.
Because this is a science thread I’ll be a bit pedantic. Mostly because I think it’s an interesting topic. It’s a mass-energy equivalence (≡) and not just an equality (=) they are the same thing.
So it’s meaningless to say convert mass into energy. It’s like saying I want to convert this stick from being 12 inches long to being 1 foot long.
You can convert matter (the solid form of energy) into other types of energy that are not solid. But the mass stays the same.
It’s like when people say a photon is massless. It has energy and therefor mass. It just has no rest mass. So from the photons frame of reference no mass but from every other fame of reference there is mass.
My old school had a scale model of the solar system. It used the same scale for the planets size and distance. The sun was a 12" ball on one end of campus. Around campus were poles with little glass domes on top inside were tiny pins with little planet models on them.
So humans vision is much more sensitive to green than other colors. it’s why camera sensors are 50% green 25% red 25% blue. Which makes sense as being able to detect small differences in plant cover is useful in both detecting predators and prey.
If humans had more flat color detection range we woulda actually be able to see that the sky is purple and not blue.
There are two main inverter approaches. One big inverter that takes the DC from a bunch of panels and converts it into AC and micro inverters where each panel gets it’s own small one placed directly under the panel.
The micro inverters cost around $150 each. So you need around 10 panels before the single inverter becomes a good choice.
Installers love the micro because the install is easier. However as a owner with say 30 panels you now have 30 points of possible failure instead of the 1.
It’s either a signal filter or more likely a power stabilizer to handle fast load spikes when the device suddenly changes power usage levels.
I’ve learned the hard way that every ttl chip gets it’s own cap between vcc and ground.
Made right after Reanimator with a lot of the same people working on it behind the camera. Stuart Gordon’s first movie was Reanimator this is his second.
Reanimator is much more famous but I like this one better.
Oh yeah she is a big fan of money makes right instead of might makes right.
And then add / remove peg legs to train medical.
So I’m no a fan of her ideas. I have however read a lot of her stuff mostly to refute a friend who was a fan.
That said she was very much against violence to achieve political or personal goals. She was however very ok with using money and economic power to achieve goals.
So buying a business to fire someone you don’t like, shutting down a business to punish a town, etc. All completely ok in her book.
I wanted to like Surviving Mars so much but there was something so frustrating about how they implemented the domes. I’d come back to it every so often and give up in frustration.
Slaanesh taints another titan. :(
For my state congressman during the primaries a guy knocked on my door and was ruining in the Democratic primary. Young guy who claimed progressive values. Creepy vibe.
I looked him up after and he had a failed bid as a republican congressman one state over. Republicans are trying to sneak in their own into democratic primaries and it’s working.
The first book is the best but God Emperor of Dune is really good. Chapter House would make a great movie as well.
Children of Dune is imo the worst of the Frank Herbert Dune books. That’s going to be tough to adapt well.
He was. “Who Mourns for Morn?”
Turns out he was part of a legendary latinum robbery. He took the latinum out of the gold and had kept it hidden in his second stomach for years. That’s why he lost his hair.