I always wonder if our pets memories work like ours and they relive the good times in their dreams.
I always wonder if our pets memories work like ours and they relive the good times in their dreams.
A very handsome gentleman. Happy Birthday.
I refuse to help until I see a photo of your dog blowing out their candles. Extra credit if they are wearing a party hat.
J’imagine qu’on le saura une fois qu’il sera construit.
Je me demande si c’est une bonne idée. Je ne suis pas certain qu’un tramway soit adapté à notre environnement. Le REM semble être la seule preuve dont nous avons besoin pour confirmer que les tunnels souterrains du métro fonctionnent le mieux pour Montréal. Je sais que c’est beaucoup plus cher, mais j’ai peur que le REM n’ait été qu’un gaspillage depuis le début.
Absolutely beautiful, still not a fan of the septum piercing.
If you toast it with peanut butter its almost edible.
Maybe a file sander would work.
Best comment I have read in quite a long time.
I dumped all Gillete products years ago. I use single blade disposable Bic Metal razors, they are made in Greece. I use shampoo or whatever soap is on hand as shaving cream if my beard is long otherwise I just use hot water to shave. I do shave in the shower which helps a lot when not using shaving cream.
I do hate being in the never ending upgrade cycle but the 10 year old games are limited, at least the ones I like to play.