Sometimes, the app or the website won’t deliver to my business, but if I call and order, then there’s no problem. Well, one problem. I have to make sure I have cash on hand.
Sometimes, the app or the website won’t deliver to my business, but if I call and order, then there’s no problem. Well, one problem. I have to make sure I have cash on hand.
Getting to the lighthouse is easier now.
This Friday has him appear in New York for his case vs. the state. 100 Centre Street, Part 32, New York, NY 10013 @ 1415. I’m guessing it’s local time.
Unless we start investing in Futurama’s head-in-jar technology, I don’t think we’d have to see some of those people alive in 30 years.
At least Steam is taking steps to make sure you don’t buy a shitty cash grab by labeling Early Access games that haven’t been updated in a while.
The NSFW images are old. REALLY old. Like 2006 old. Over the course of several days the images will likely change if the last time is any indication. Then the user will be deleted, then the posts.
They make THE BEST spine-crackers. You missed out.
I hadn’t heard about the periodic table thing, or are you just using it as a catch-all for science in general?
More little “AK-47” pins.
He’s one step below Putin at this point. Speak out against him and you get fired, harassed until you quit, or called out publicly to allow his goons to harass you into quitting or something more lethal.
You can blame it all, on, me!
With his health and age, “life” could come with a very large asterisk.
Often times all three.
He’s one of, what, 10?
I bet that steak was well-done, too.
That thumbnail is certainly bringing massive “Et tu, Brute” energy.
But that’s just a theory.
Here we go again.