This seems like a good post to congratulate you on your progress and effort to improve. You clearly put thought into your illustrations. Your use of color and dynamic framing of your subjects creates engagement. Thanks for sharing.
This seems like a good post to congratulate you on your progress and effort to improve. You clearly put thought into your illustrations. Your use of color and dynamic framing of your subjects creates engagement. Thanks for sharing.
Tell me more about how great rule under those genociders was.
That doesn’t mean he’s going to testify against a fellow officer that he sees planting drugs on a suspect.
I work in the medical field. If anyone in my field was fucking around, like cops routinely do, they would be reported and fired faster than the rumour would spread. Our priority is the patient not my coworkers.
Cops, however, are ride or die- the public is just another tribe. ACAB because “good cops” enable every “bad cop”, it’s only a matter of time before every cop faces this challenge and every cop that does the right thing is run out of the department for being a “troublemaker”.
Likely a cast iron pipe that has grounded an electrical current. It is in fact, “something bad”.
Racist, sexist, anti-Semite, anti LGBTQ, antivax, COVID denier (until his son got it, then he acknowledged it was real, etc… take your pick he hated most of us. There’s so much vile dogshit this man vomited into the world.
Good riddance.
driving the speed limit… Also an indicator of guilt.
🚨 🤡
Hopefully in the future sexual assault victims will include enlightened centrists like gronolabar over here in the discussion on when would be an appropriate time to come out with their stories of assault. It’s high time we include more uninvolved but passionate individuals from across the political spectrum in these messy painful conversations.
Kudos gronolabar, continue to inject your opinions and baseless accusations into the conversation, you’re doing god’s work 🙏
Forgot the photo 💚
Edit made me actually laugh. It’s probably closer too.
I was the last one to post there, 2 weeks ago. I don’t mind crossposting but I dunno, I don’t wanna feel like I’m co-opting or spamming or something. That sounds silly I know…
I remember that, wonder how it’s going…
Oh God, that is so gross, I kinda love it.
Appreciate it, thank you.
You’re having a terrible time because of your surface. Paper makes the biggest difference in my experience, glad you’re getting some proper paper. When you want to upgrade again, look into cotton paper- the difference is night and day.
Are you painting on canvas?
Thank you! I shrunk down the image and I think I see what you’re talking about, ha. I assure you the real baby is adorably human looking!
Oh my God Secret City, I haven’t thought about that show in ages.
Lovely loose style, detailed without details is a challenge, looks great.
Distraction, all of this. This isn’t news, this is an asshole keeping your attention. Fuck the next 4 years, we should all know this routine by now.