They own the city of Toronto? Explains much I guess
They own the city of Toronto? Explains much I guess
Yeah that sounds healthy in the long run
No, the guy above you is right. It is very hard to be 100% sure stuff is secure after a breach like this.
You overestimate my organization skills, I am able to make a mess out of 4 T-shirts and two sets of pants.
I literally have 2 full time thing going on, and just got out of a burnout induced by participating in a failed startup, so I’m not your guy, sorry.
No doubts about that. Just don’t let the DNC off the hook completely by blaming only the voters.
Not before the mincer they aren’t
Hi, just about any EU country here, please apply for asylum at the nearest convenient embassy in the US, and we will get to you once we processed all these people from Syria, and Africa at large. This may take several decades as the Nazis your government is funding are lobbying to defund the whole thing.
If you want to try to expedite this process you might want to hop over to Albania and try to make your case at the wonderful township of Röszke where you can be a backdrop to the next election campaign in Hungary.
Helpful phrases include:
Less helpful phrases that will only elicit laughter are:
Don’t worry, our best people who we could get to supplement the border guard as “border hunters” for 130 EUR a month full time are there to help you. They are highly qualified, as attending school for at least 8 years is mandatory (any actual grade attainment is not guaranteed and frankly unlikely).
You thought the ICE was bad.
I think it’s both. OpenAI was valued at a certain point because of a perceived moat of training costs. The cheapness killed the myth, but open sourcing it was the coup de grace as they couldn’t use the courts to put the genie back into the bottle.
So did the DNC though, supporting Israel was more important to them than winning “the most important election of our time”.
So it’s kind of like the school shooting epidemic in a way
Basically the current US system if tech was better
Do they usually seek to have jurisdiction outside the embassy, like the Chinese do?
Why did the Finnish air force have a swastika as an emblem though? I’m not being fucky, I’m honestly curious.
You just changed my life with the rollup thing. It must be so much more practical to get stuff out of a drawer if I don’t have to dig into a pile of folded clothes!
Yale is broke? Where does all that student loan money go then? Honest question
There is a place near me that’s a three floor complex of arcade machines and it’s a single entry fee to play them all.
Outsourcing companies are already doing that to drown out real applicants and convince companies no qualified people are on the market.
The few who survived went home and mostly bloodlessly ended the divine right of kings though
Yeah, why not, there is a standard way to join, they need to fulfill criteria and they’re in