Guenther_Amanita 🍄

A weirdo doing weird things on the internet.

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  • 127 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • The Uncanny Valley is real.

    I was undiagnosed my whole life until early adulthood, and therefore always tried to pass as NT, because I never knew what’s wrong with me.

    I trained myself for years to mimic NT behaviour, including facial expression, gestures, voice tone, and much more.
    Everyone here can probably relate to that how incredible hard it is to achieve that, but I somehow did! Great! Right? Right…?


    While I was 99% there, the 1% missing made everything worse.
    Those are the tiny tiny nuances that you just can’t replicate, like microexpressions, or some minor mistakes you made, like looking at the wrong direction while “thinking” or whatever shit they made up.

    And those tiny incoherences are what will destroy everything. Many people will dislike or mistrust you, and the worst thing about that is that they don’t even know why!
    They’ll accuse you to being a liar, because you act sketchy, or that you are “fake”, or whatever you can think about.

    I’m currently in the process of un-learning all of that and stop being someone else. Sure, many people will dislike you just for who you are, but seriously, if someone doesn’t have a good time around you just because your voice sounds too flat or because you don’t laugh back at them then fuck that person.
    We have 8 billion people on this planet, there will be at least one person out there that appreciates your weirdness

  • No, don’t. Good idea at first glance, but horrible on the second, at least from my experience.

    While work will be way more pleasant, it might be too pleasant, and you’ll spend more energy and focus than you might realise.
    Your boss will notice that too, and give you a heck lot of more work to do than your colleagues, for the same wage.
    You’ll work and work and work, and then you wake up with a burnout.
    No one, except you, will notice that.

    And then you can’t give 200% anymore, but only 100% from now on.

    In your bosses eyes, you have gotten just lazy and not interested anymore, just because they’re used to you overstraining yourself.

    And last but not least, they’ll dump you into the trash because they can’t extract even more resources out from you, and no one will care. You are just a human resource, that’s why the department in companies is called that way.

    Don’t be stupid. Don’t be me!

  • Guenther_Amanita 🍄@slrpnk.nettoLinux@lemmy.mlAMD vs Nvidia
    3 days ago

    100% AMD, for sure. AMD won’t make much problems and works ootb.

    Nvidia on the other hand… if you already have a Nvidia GPU, then the proprietary drivers work pretty well, but even those won’t work flawlessly and still cause problems for many people.
    And the FOSS drivers are still in the early stages and won’t cut it. So why spend lots of money for a piece of hardware that won’t give you the performance you paid for?

    Also, Nvidia clearly doesn’t care about PCs or its’ users, so why support such a shitty company with your money?

  • Bei mir, also auf SLRPNK, ist es auch wie bei OP. Link 1 keine Interaktionen, Link 2 passt.

    Vielleicht wurde da bei den Spracheinstellungen was verändert?
    Mir ist es auch schon paar Mals passiert, dass meine Posts mit “Language: Undetermined” fast keine Interaktion hatten, und dann der Repost plötzlich durch die Decke gegangen ist, als ich auf “Language: English” oder was auch immer geklickt habe.

    Oder, dass die Föderation manchmal bisschen hängt, und es ein paar Stunden braucht, was bei OPs Link wohl nicht so ist, weil 1 Jahr alt.

    Dass da was blockiert wurde glaube ich eher nicht. Ich hab das selbe Problem wie OP, aber meine Instanz hat quasi nichts deföderiert, ich kann bis auf Tankies alles sehen, inklusive Tiddies.

  • Ich versteh einfach nicht, wieso sich so viele Leute so eine Wanze in die Wohnung stellen können.

    Es gibt anscheinend eine seltsame Überschneidung aus Leuten, die Technik lieben, und die, die sich nicht damit auseinandersetzen wollen.

    Mir ist das immer total unangenehm, in eine Wohnung zu kommen und dann ein “Alexa, Wohnzimmerlicht an!” zu hören. Und dann das obligatorische Argument “Privatsphäre gibt es eh nicht mehr, ist doch eh schon egal”.

    Wieso nicht einfach aufstehen und zum Lichtschalter gehen? Oder das per Home Assistant lokal regeln?

    Bin ich da zu sehr in meiner eigenen Bubble gefangen?

    Was will ich mit dem ganzen Scheiß?

  • Good advice, how do I add more than one image here? Maybe I just don’t know what I’m doing.

    No problem at all, Lemmy can be confusing sometimes :)

    What you did is selecting the header picture or link, which is only possible for one URL.
    You can click the image button on the text formatting menu and then select one or more images (I believe GIFs are also possible?) and the attach them in the text box.

    Sure you can let me know what you think about it, though to be completely honest, it was her ideas that I just implemented, but I’d love to make it better.

    You don’t have to alter anything to the design.

    I personally would only increase the height of the saucer edge, because when you water the plants, everything will else leak on your table or whatever it’s standing on. You can achieve that by just stretching the Z axis in your slicer, and that might save you from a mess :)

    Also, I guess the plastic might leak too over time because of small holes in it, and the potting soil maybe won’t hold onto enough water, so it drips.
    It will also decompose and stain everything brown or black.

    Maybe coat the saucer with wax or so.

    You could maybe switch to something based on sphagnum moss or coco with a bit of perlite. They will be more inert and hold more water.

    The plant choice you made couldn’t be better! Those succulents will be very strong and survive everything.