Weird. It’s working for me.
I like OSS, Linux, art, signs, democracy, climate action. Slava Ukraini he/him
Weird. It’s working for me.
The ‘Is This Canadian?’ Site is excellent. Works on my phone perfectly. https://isthiscanadian.ca/
I’m in this permanently
And if after that, they still have a billion, half it again. Etc.
Seems pretty bad that confirmed Nazi Musk is in control of the Pentagon.
Canada wide. Let’s go!
They are pro-trump. Especially Rustad.
90 million weren’t suppressed.
Nailed it
He’s doing this to save himself. Ontarians need to get this mobster out. VOTE
Ontarians need to show up to the polls and vote strategic ABC to get Ford out.
Yes. But American citizens need to be the ones to stop the Nazi musk/trump regime. March and strike by the millions. Oust them.
Nearly 90 million voting eligible Americans chose to not vote at all with a confirmed white supremacist, rapist and convicted felon on the ballot.
Many of us warned that if he won, democracy would end forever.
Little trump jr.
Zero legislation of value for Canadians.
Nazi shows up at a Nazi event,
https://liberal.ca/our-progress/ Quite a lot for PM Trudeau. Zero for PP
In Canada, we should ban everything associated with Nazi Musk.
I agree it still misses sometimes, but handy nonetheless. Hopefully they keep improving it. I’ve never used the barcode feature. Instead I just snap a photo.