bad 4 u
Golden Numeromancer.
bad 4 u
its almost unbearable in its ugliness, i love it.
i dont think theres evidence of mary magdalene being a prostitute, i believe this misunderstanding came about due to mistranslations of ‘young woman’ or ‘unmarried woman’ or somthing.
right? idk why people keep thinking politicians are on their side.
unfortunately, i believe the microwave was not an option.
its not a phase!!
i love blaming the working class!! thank you Bloomberg!
not a classical guy, i love death grips, machine girl , post punk and thrash. but i would never say classical is ‘dull’. isnt there one that uses fucking cannons??
night of the lupus
“what stops them from using nullification all the time?”
the fact no one tells them.
yep, pollys are all spineless, corporate-backed, silver-spooned, cockroaches that only care about not having A Current Affair talk about them tonight.
i havent seen a headline with albeneses name jn it for weeks, all i hear is about dutton and turnball. australian politics has, and always will be, a fucking joke and a disgrace to the people.
lol, ill be honest i just got so fed up i just system reset and installed lineage during a hangover, kinda fucked me over for a day or two but i got accustomed.
probs gonna move over to graphene soon, unsure if its my phone or what but i got some real annoying bugs on lineage.
unsure if this is bait, what kinds of themes do you like about conservatism, other than a specific artist?
back up your phone on pc, delete it once you realise you don’t need it anymore.
over 46,000 franchised establishments according to wiki
that is the left in a nutshell lol
i would personally like to see a trial held similar to Nuremberg, these people need to have their crimes vocalised.
it is a slogan calling for an eradication of the extremely influential and powerful, to redistribute their wealth and return it to those whom it was stolen from.
its whataboutism to point out a flaw in ones argument?