Indeed. 💜
Let go and let entropy. 🌌
Indeed. 💜
I have serious love-hate for her.
Shucks. So itty bitty in Boost.
But good enough for me until lay get better integration. Weee!
So thaattttssss how! Thank you!
Ooh! I didn’t hear about a possible movie. Is it a sure thing?
Oh yes. Jogging. I remember that.
I may have to start jogging again just for the beer. 😁
I asked god. Still waiting for a response. Will let you know.
Do you mean earbud style? Generally, never…
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, you know?
But if I do drop them and dirt or something, you can remove the rubber and clean it with soap, water, and qtip. You need to be very mindful of the actual speaker portion. A toothpick can be helpful for removing debris, but I wouldn’t apply any liquids to the face of the speaker. There’s usually a piece of fabric that’s glued on and you don’t want to lose that or get it gunked up.
Well, this morning I was able to get a few things down and then a few more things after that. I told my partner that I have a list for me and they got super excited.
I honestly don’t care if I ever get around to getting most of these things, but for the sake of other people doing something like this is a big deal and I love seeing their excitement.
Plus, my youngest kid said they can’t wait to get me another stuffed animal. I’m seriously hoping they can be steered towards something else that I don’t have to put on my bed to make the poor kid happy. Lol.
If I didn’t have to actually absorb all the calories from that amount of beer, this would be an amazing gift. 🤣
Seriously, I watch sitcoms where people are drinking beer after beer at home or going to bars all the time. My body simply can’t keep up with that amount of input. 🙃
Now this is what I’m talking about. 💯
Oh no no no. Lol. I think I’m all full up on Tim Robinson for a while. 🤣
Charity is a great idea, actually! Thank you.
And thanks for the birthday wishes. I didn’t think about the fact that this question actually revolves around my birthday actually happening. Was kind of hoping to just ignore that. I’m at the age where I’d like to just pretend this getting old thing isn’t truly happening. 🙃
For my birthday, I want immortality!
I’ll put it on my wish list. 🪄😺
Imagine the gift of wonders that my mind might give me for my birthday! It would be incredible!Either that… or I will suffer a psychotic break. 🤣
Ha! You’re on to something with that! 😁
You know, I should have played a game where I guessed the percentage of comments that would involve some element of sexuality. Haha.
Purple is my favorite color. 😁
Good god no. Half my family’s allergic. I’m just allergic to their nature. 🤣
Same. I didn’t want to rush it. Savor it, you know.
It left me with the good feels.