Hey now, you can’t say that. Only Texans can say they hope an earthquake causes California to sink into the ocean.
Yup more useless posturing.
Many of us see it clear as day. The dumb fucks just eat whatever bullshit is fed to them.
Better add in the I for international waters.
Gulf of I.C.U.M.
Yes let’s call it Yougenics Healthcare by United
Sounds like the last couple decades…
Don’t let a perfect plan get in the way of a good plan.
Pondering the orb?
Futball in many countries is even worse.
Fuck future me, that guys an asshole.
And we’d be better off if they never did, but the current state in the US is they do own all that.
It’s cause Fox is telling them how great everything he’s done is. They aren’t seeing the reality.
If only there was a sort of consumer protection bureau of some sort. To regulate these types of things…
I’m glad mine vaccinated us as well. Then when I had kids, my parents tried to convince me not to vaccinate. Lost a lot of respect for them.
Last time everyone blamed the GOP for the budget not getting passed.
What about a noodle shaped into a straw? Even if you toss it out the window at least it’s biodegradable.
/r/weirdeggs for pictures of odd shaped eggs. Very odd and specific subs
For reference 159 pounds would be where you start to cross into an ‘unhealthy’ BMI. However, while BMI is a good gauge for normal/sedintary people, it isn’t a great measure if you’re quite muscular. So I would try to stay under 160 unless you’ve been building miserable consistently for 1-2 years. And even then, if you are trying to optimize health, no need to go much over, even 160 being swole. However if your primary goal is not health but strength, you’ll need to be ‘obese’. Which is still healthier than being thin and out of shape, but not ‘optimal’ for long term health. The reason I say this is, everyone has an opinion on what’s best, but it really depends on what you’re trying to optimize for.
Most of them are cheering this on with thunderous applause. They truly believe he is doing incredible things. It’s insane.