On the other hand, if you find yourself thinking “hmm, I have great technical skills including software architecture, I could make a positive broader impact here!” they’re going to ignore you unless you’re a smooth talking charismatic motherfucker
On the other hand, if you find yourself thinking “hmm, I have great technical skills including software architecture, I could make a positive broader impact here!” they’re going to ignore you unless you’re a smooth talking charismatic motherfucker
Scale. That’s the one thing I can’t get my head around
Ok I misread that title, I thought there was going to be a Belgian robot AI church minister going after criminals
gained popularity as an insult in the 2010s
Classic video game boss vibes
AI can get married for you. It can even raise your (its) kids for you! *nvidia stock goes up*
It’s an interesting concept and seems plausible enough (same as with Planet X, Nemesis… ok some of that Nibiru stuff is ridiculous) but like, the evidence just isn’t there to support it. Feels like we should have found SOME evidence for this kind of interstellar disaster by now. I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong.
Me too
Me irl. Back to screwing around with Linux and making half baked software nobody else ever sees!
I had some of those headphones like hat guy has. They were uncomfortable. Strange design.
Damn I miss LAN parties. Ultimately it was World of Warcraft that killed them in my social circles.
You’re not wrong. Currently running 4 “servers” (describes their role, they’re really just repurposed desktops) and averaging 350W. Oof. Time to try ARM soon I think.
They’re not even real servers actually, 2 of them are my old gaming PCs I built in 2012 and 2017 and I have many Dell Optiplexes and the like lying around I reuse for various things
I have upgraded some of the parts in them - including the RAM, because ballooning VMs are annoying - but it’s still true they’d be ewaste otherwise
64GB total each across 4 sticks haha. Well, one only has 32 but details.
I have an overkill hardware setup because it’s fun. No I don’t really need 4 servers in a Proxmox cluster with 64GB RAM each… but it’s cool lol. Besides the hardware was just gonna become ewaste anyway, I’m repurposing it
Aha! Masking/coping strategy ACTIVATE!
Time to get out my phone/laptop and write that thought down so I can file it away into the kafkaesque disorganisation that is my notes system! (self hosting Trilium Notes btw)
Coming from software development, the systemd controversy is starting to feel more familiar as I learn more of it.
It really reminds me of what happens sometimes in backend web systems development when an overly complicated framework takes over a programming language community. Getting anything done no longer becomes about using the tools to interact with HTTP, or the language runtime (if relevant), or anything else absolutely essential to the task at hand - it’s about learning the framework itself and its peculiarities, its specific abstractions and semantics wrapping real concepts.
An example is Spring Framework. One does not simply write a little bit of code to cache something in memory at the place one needs it, no! One must use a ProxyFactoryBean to apply a CachingInterceptor, in the bean configuration XML of course! (Of course being Java, you have the extra layer of indirection and fakery as the Java community is/was full of people obsessed with shoving everything possible into a design pattern for cred.)
One does not simply read a systemd log file using cat, nor filter with grep. One must use journalctl with its specific arguments to filter by specific things. Because the logs are binary or something. I feel like I’m not learning Linux/UNIX anymore, I’m learning systemd.
I do like systemd’s unit system, with its whole dependency graph for reaching certain targets, etc. However, given the nigh ubiquity of systemd, I’ve not really had much of a chance to learn any alternatives, so it seems I must simply get used to it regardless.
As a developer who got into DevOps and now is learning the vast world of sysadmin stuff, it’s validating to see you say that. Because the damn logging system is my number 1 gripe as well and it discourages me from doing any real digging. Why would I when I can just spin up a new VM?
Not gonna lie, I was hoping there’d be an image of the shape…
Please don’t eat this. My cat needs his gainz