Fuck. For a second there I thought it was an ad in Lemmy, and was enraged that this shit was pushed. Don’t care me like that
Fuck. For a second there I thought it was an ad in Lemmy, and was enraged that this shit was pushed. Don’t care me like that
I have a son that is the most important thing in my life. He is 2.5 now, but it took me a year to adjust to my new life, and I am shamed to admit that several episodes could have a been handled better. (No abuse, but daddy getting angry for a toddler being a toddler) It took a toll on the relationships too. Still does since tired people have shorter fuses.
Bottom line now is that he fills me with joy. Watching him learn new thing like how there ia fluff between his toes (and do dad have it too?) to how all water used for painting turns grey. How he practices being a ninja sneaking up on me (but can’t contain his excitement and giggle) The texture of food, and how spaghetti sticks.
Of course you are tired and stressed, and the random pain from unexpected movements when dressing him, or from death dives on the couch is always there. But I would not trade him for anything.
For me its Fatty Finn. A 1980 movie adaptation of an Australian cartoon strip character from the 1930s. Why it was translated and published in Norway and what made my mother buy it I don’t know. But I have seen it enough times that now over 30 years after I last saw it I can probably quote parts if it Verbatim.
His show is entertainment, so he has this character who is semi- incompetent in everything. Yeah, he has this personality also, but not 100%. And some of what he does is just idiotic. The tractor is just him I’m that role.
But the show highlights a lot of important aspects. The skill of farming, the sheer amount of effort, the risk and how much you get for all that risk and effort.
For me it’s a missed opportunity that the farmers didn’t integrate the chain up like many stores have done down. That is buy the mills, bakeries and stores. Why can the grocery chains so it, but not the other way around?
The brilliance is that it works in other languages too. Don’t know about French/Italian but for a Norwegian it’s usable. Only Charlie, Mike, and Yankee i think would not be understood if said as spelled in Norwegian.
When was he born? Not everyone knows all the “secret” signs for stuff. How 18 is A.H or how 81 is H.A (Hells Angels) 1% biker clubs have surprisingly much of such codes. 8 is also the number of Khorne in the Warhammer fantasy/sci-fi setting. And before we start with that there are surprisingly few Nazis who play, but the few are very vocal.
Years ago I saw a guy in a crocery store in Norway wearing a “Combat18 Böhmen” hoodie. Buying ingredients for tex-mex taco incidentally. And when I pointed him out to my wife, she said that you are probably the only one in here to know this, and spot him for what he is.
So if Andy was born in 1988 I hope it’s why he has 88 in his username.
Fuck the MS suite is such garbage. My work was sold in for Teams with all the BS. Now I have to either map up the filepath creating what we used to have, or I can’t see the file folder and make a call at the same time. Onenote with it’s arbitrary syncing. And good luck finding it again since it stored at some random place if you loose access.
Word and excel is decent, but for a person who likes to tinker with versions it’s a nightmare to invite people to edit it.
Cluncky interface, slow and bloated all around
Dont know. But as jokes go it’s as tired and bad as blackface and “gay best friend” in RomComs
I am now Belgian… As a Norwegian we ended up with the northern wastelans. But at least Sweden really got fucked. Now if Denmark got just as fucked I could get behind this
This is tricky. I once was a Norwegian NATO soldier in the Balkans and while we usually was deminers we often was tasked to search for weapons in buildings. Once we searched this cluster of houses close to a combat zone where insurgents were known to operate when we came across what looked like a normal family with male and female adult and a small child of perhaps a year. Our policy was to be the least intrusive we could be, and mother and child stayed inside while we did the kitchen and toiler first and let the man inside. The child was screaming the entire time. After a while our civilian interpreter took us aside and said the was something off with the child. Something in the way they talked about it. It was still screaming like crazy, unconsolable. Our policy was that male soldiers did not search females or children under 16, but by some stroke of luck our company comander was present and his driver/clerk was female. So under our directions with British MP, Ukranian UN Police and mother directly present she carefully stripped the baby and found a cleaning kit for an AK-47 under the clothes. Mother had held the baby in a manner to conceal it. The child was creaming because it was in direct contact with its skin. Mother was under duress to do it it turned out, man was not related and in the end we found equipment and uniforms for a five man squad in the house. It served as some kind of staging area. And a weapon cach including AT in the forest nearby.
Point of this long story… Searching children is tricky and should only be done carefully after a solid risk assessment
Same for me. I dont need any of the extra stuff the sub gives outside the basic function of the software.
Well. I think they can dox someone editing out of Pajala in Sweden, Drenas in Kosovo, Bifuka in Japan or Bella Cola in Canada and it will mean fuck all. Perhaps Cletus in Bumfuck North Carolina will seethe but i will mean nothing
Pocket Cast is good. But I am now on the end of my “heritage” price, and up for the post price hike price. Debating whether it is worth it.
So how do these idiots plan to solve the fact that many editors are not in fact based in the US. Just move edition these articles to any other country?
Or they are afraid of the atheist telling the child its all lies and social control. Thus way they encourage the child to self report in case there is even a slight possibility that the child might learn something other than the dogma they spew
IG Farben, Krupp, Thyssen, Boss, Porsche and the list goes on and on and on. Fuck I suspect that even my own grandfather “had stripes” (slang for collaboration with Nazis without yourself being proclaimed nazi) and he even fought them during the invasion of Norway.
I have a 2 year old who falls asleep when driving, and we have had troubles with sleeping so I drive the motorway for perhaps two hours. In Norway the only places that do drive through is BK and McD, and yeah I have been one black coffe guy. Or just fries and coke. And nuggets and fries are car friendly. Can be eaten with one hand, and makes little mess