The author of this opinion article, Richard Kemp, is known for…, Well, I recommend the “Politics” section of his wiki page
The fact that he does not want (his) soldiers to be investigated for war crimes gives me a great pause about his opinions.
Yes. Sane people question themselves first when they have a problem.
Insane people, psicotic people, narcisist people think that it’s someone else’s fault. The ukranians, or …the Americans …the Aliens, or Mexicans; The foreigners. Others! Always someone else.
It would have been better if Russia had war-gamed it, instead of actually exploding it and with that killing an untold amount of civilians and destroyed the lives of 100s more. We’dall be happier if Russia had properly war-gamed the invasion. Kinda like thinking before pushing the post button.
Could be worst. Maybe one day he’ll have to take a photo with Prigozin. Or delivering Putin to The Hague.
Tive uma consulta marcada num desses dias. Tive a consulta.
Funcionários do hospital estavam a dizer às pessoas na entrada quais os médicos que não estavam. O piso das consultas externas estava, talvez, com 50% de ocupação.