MN requires plates on both sides and when you renew your registration they give you tabs for both sides too. It doesn’t make much sense to me to require plates on both sides if you are only going to put the tabs on one side.
MN requires plates on both sides and when you renew your registration they give you tabs for both sides too. It doesn’t make much sense to me to require plates on both sides if you are only going to put the tabs on one side.
but I don’t think that’s a good thing.
If we implemented reasonable a UBI then I could actually see eliminating minimum wage laws. There’s not much reason to have a minimum wage if everyone is already guaranteed a minimum income.
She would have probably had more success with at least a vague argument of change rather than “I can’t think of anything I’d do differently [than Biden]”, even if it created bad blood between her and the president.
Exactly! She should have thrown Biden under the bus! He’s done with politics, his polling no longer matters and fuck his feelings. She should have used it as an opporitunity to highlight all the shit people dislike about him and promise to do differently. She should have used trashing him as a springboard to promise to be better. Instead, she just promised to be Biden 2.0 when nobody even liked Biden to begin with.
Checking your balls won’t find prostate issues. It’s for catching testicular cancer and you should have been regularly checking them since puberty. Just give em a quick feel about once a week in the shower.
As far as prostate exams, those used to start at 40 years old but they aren’t really recommended anymore unless you have a family history of prostate cancer or other risk factors. It turns out they rarely caught anything anyways.
Pastes private key into password box.
Nope I sleep like a baby. If it’s too hot them my dreams might get weird though.
I don’t seem to have any actually good pictures of them in my phone atm and they’re in the middle of a shed right now. So the best I’ve got is a pic from the time they decided slither into my couch frame and made me partially dismantle my couch to get them out. They’re lucky that they’re cute.
You do realize that there’s insulation in those walls right. That’s the whole point of wood frame construction; you stuff the gaps between studs full of several inches of insulation. Besides, most of a homes heat loss isn’t through the walls anyways. It’s through any openings in those walls (windows, doors, etc) and through the roof.
26?! Hell, I can’t even sleep if it’s above like 20C in my room. My bedroom right now is 10C (vents blocked to keep it extra cold) and that’s about the perfect sleeping temp. I’d go that cold in the rest of the house too but my pet snake probably wouldn’t appreciate it.
It’s because noone lives there.
I think you a word.
How high are you right now?
A friend of mine has the same issue and they just got put on a beta blocker along side the stimulant. According to my psychiatrist, that is fairly common.
But also yeah, controlling my adhd almost completely removed my depression and anxiety symptoms. Doctors tried to treat just my depression/anxiety for over a decade with only marginal results. I had the same experience with the bupropion, it helped with the depression but it didn’t do much for the actual executive function.
It’s probably just there for modders to use if they want it for something.
Never stick your dick in crazy more than once.
The Expanse deserves to be highlighted more. God damn it is so good. Just bear in mind that season 1 is their worst rated season. All other seasons scored above 90% on rotten tomatoes from both viewers and critics. A couple seasons scorred literally 100%. It is so damn good. You just need to get through the only somewhat good, first season.
No, that’s french.
Elon musk also says it’ll let you shit flowers and breathe hard vaccum. Melon husk just makes shit up whenever he feels like it. It’s not going to stream music into your brain. They still can’t even get it to stop killing the testing animals.