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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • I’m super excited for Lackadaisy too - the pilot is of such amazing quality, even some major established shows don’t match it. I also loved Bee and Puppycat, and Hilda, really whimsical. Also loooooved OK KO. Have you watched Wander Over Yonder, or Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart? I feel the humour is very similar. Another couple of shows that were cut too short (at least the former provides some closure).

    I have to say Infinity train doesn’t get any less brutal, and I definitely get missing Lake. Still think it’s worth watching the next seasons as there’s some continuity in the story (which HBO should let them finish dammit).

    To be fair I really got into animation shows (as opposed to movies) around the time of the pandemic, so I missed most of the pilots. I am excited to see what happens with Hazbin Hotel, and other online projects like Talon, and Hugo’s Mind Palace. If you haven’t yet, I really recommend watching the shorts on the Gobelins school animation page. Some of them are mind-blowingly amazing.

    If I were to ask which are your top 5 shows, would you be able to pick?

  • We are kindred spirits! I am devastated at what’s happened with HBO Max, I will forever be salty that they gave up on Infinity train! And netflix too, dropping glitch techs, dead end, and inside job. So many good shows without closure.

    I’m heartened that some indie artists are starting to go their own way online. Lackadaisy, Helluva Boss, monkey Wrench. It’s promising and could be the future of animation, but requires a lot of patience for now.

    I started Summer Camp Island but dropped it along the way. Maybe I should pick it back up again. What other shows are you desperate to talk about?

  • Lots of things I’m really interested in are looked down on by other adults I know. I love animation but it’s seen as something for kids. I love video games, but that’s for teens, incels and nerds. And I love birdwatching, but that’s for boring old people. Oh and also whatever my ADHD is making me hyperfocus on at any given moment. I could talk about any of those topics for ages, but more often than not people aren’t interested, so I keep it to myself.

  • In addition to what people have advised so far, I can’t stress enough how important rest, and especially sleep is when you’re ill. Whenever I’ve fallen ill with a cold, flu, cough, etc., I find that if I try to fight it and go about the day as normal, the illness lasts much longer. If I try to sleep it off, I get better a lot faster. If you can, and especially on the first day, don’t go to work, don’t run errands, and especially don’t go to the gym/exercise. Good luck!

  • Foreigner@kbin.socialto> Greentext@lemmy.mlIkea
    1 year ago

    I agree mostly, but that adds to the cost and it means taking time out of your day to go get the truck, go get the furniture, drop furniture off at your place, then take the truck back. It’s an added inconvenience most people don’t want to deal with.

  • Mackerel is a very bony fish with very thin bones. Even if you know how to remove bones well in some fish, it’s going to be very challenging for mackerel. My advice is to go for bigger fish with big bones like cod, seabass, salmon, large sea bream, tuna. Watch some videos online on how to prepare the cooked fish to remove bones. You might still get one or two, but with practice and a good eye you’ll be able to avoid bones altogether.

    If you want to be ABSOLUTELY sure, you can use your hands to separate the fillets and take the meat apart to feel for any bones that might be left. I do this when feeding fish to my kids to make sure there’s absolutely zero bones. Obviously not possible every time, but if you can do it, it’s very helpful.

  • Foreigner@kbin.socialto> Greentext@lemmy.mlIkea
    1 year ago

    America is huge and you might have to drive very far to get that second hand item. Also not everyone has a pickup truck to go get bulky heavy furniture you can’t take apart to easily transport to your place. And bedbugs are an issue in some places, especially major cities. It’s possible for some but not everyone.

  • That’s a really heavy burden to place on a child. Sure when they’re really young you’ll be the centre of their universe. A superhero that can do no wrong. But eventually they will grow up, and become their own people. That process often involves outright rejecting you and being really hurtful. If you have a fragile sense of self I’m not sure raising teenagers will make you feel any better, they can be godamn mean.

    Also your kids should NEVER be responsible for your mental health and self esteem. It’s incredibly unhealthy and you will likely end up raising broken adults because of it. Honestly, save yourself and your potential future chlldren the trauma and heartache and do the work it takes to deal with your issues. It will be hard, but believe me it’s a piece of cake compared to the pain you’d be setting yourself up for later.

  • That book refers to the population of ALL of the Americas, including central and south america. To say the native american population went from 112 million to 7 million is a LIE. The wiki page cites actual sources for the figures, or have you never used Wikipedia before?

    And we’re moving goalposts again I see. You didn’t need to admit to being gay, you’d just have to be suspected of being gay to end up in a concentration camp. Today, LGBT people are still being killed, raped, imprisoned, beaten the world over. That’s been happening for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, I mean it’s in the fucking bible, qran, torah, etc for fuck’s sake. And trust me they weren’t stoning drag queens and twinks back then. Just because there’s LGBT acceptance in -some places- now doesn’t mean everything is peachy. So no, your problem isn’t remotely similar, but if you want to play oppression Olympics against a group of people who have been persectured for literal millenia, AND STILL ARE, you don’t have much of a leg to stand on. But this isn’t about who’s more or less oppressed. This is about you coming here and faulting the LGBT community for speaking for ourselves, as if it’s somehow our fault everyone else is ignoring your people’s problem. Take it up with the mainstream media dude, they and the people in power who maintain the status quo are your real enemies, not us.

  • I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on the following books:

    IT - Stephen King
    Memoirs of a Geisha
    A clockwork orange
    Forever - Judy Blume
    The Gossip Girl Series
    The Song of Ice and Fire books

    That’s a small list of some very popular books I’m personally aware of with sexually explicit content, some of it very violent. They’re readily available in many school libraries. Clockwork orange is even studied in some high schools. The reason people are saying you’re arguing in bad faith is because the nature of the bans are deliberately targeted at LGBT content. There are plenty of other books with much worse content and you’re not seeing a national movement to ban that content. Hence the push-back.

  • You’ve pointed out specific LGBT individuals as if they’re somehow a representation of the wider community. For someone complaining about one dimensional focus you sure spend a lot of time calling out these people specifically because they’re LGBT and not all of the other reasons they’re getting attention. Ever considered these are just famous rich people that get more airtime just like all famous rich people do? Not exactly exclusive to the LGBT community is it?

    And my argument is who makes you the arbitrer of which issues are more important than others? Who do you think should get to decide, because, news flash, it’s not the minorities who are calling the shots here. Again, if that’s your issue, you need to take it up with the people who do have the power to decide, not shit on the LGBT community.

    And as an aside - Flint is majority African American, by a wide margin: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/flintcitymichigan/PST045222

  • Ok now this clearly shows you’re a bigot before all else. You never came here to argue in good faith, did you? Just move goalpoasts and exploit the struggles of native american people as cover for your hatred.

    If you’re truly native american as you say, you’re a terrible representative for your people. But thankfully, unlike you, we don’t assume one individual is a representative for all.

  • Ho boy where do I start? You are aware LGBT individuals are everywhere, right? Including on your reservation? In every country in the world, in every social class, race, religion, etc? We are children, siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, colleagues, friends, etc etc. HOW are you surprised the LGBT community gets this kind of representation? The vast majority of people know or know of someone who is LGBT in their social circle. Can the same be said for native americans? Don’t assume I don’t feel for your people, but conflating LGBT representation as somehow a specific injustice to native americans is incredibly flimsy logic.

    Using Rupaul as an example is a supremely poor choice given drag race has specifically given representation to native performers in the US and Canada, and created a platform for those performers to highlight issues their communities have faced:


    And again why is it his or any other LGBT individual’s responsibility to fight for your cause anymore than it should be anyone else’s responsibility?

    And you want to talk numbers, ok let’s talk numbers. I’ll use my country as an example. We’re 32 million people, over 60% of that population lives in poverty. Not the deluxe American level of poverty, third world country levels of poverty. That’s nearly 20 million people. Nearly half of those 32 million don’t have access to clean water, that’s over 16 million. Only one in five have access to adequate sanitation, that’s 28 million people without adequate sanitation. How many native americans are there in the US? Around 7 million? That’s a lot more people in a lot worse living conditions where I’m from than your entire population combined. Should I start complaining that you have more representation in famous movies than my people do? Should I concern troll about there being more native American millionaires than there are in my country? Should I expect native americans to fight for my people’s cause too, to give us a shout-out? Using your logic I should go around dismissing any calls for justice for native american peoples simply by citing the fact that more than the equivalent of triple your entire population are living in abject poverty in my country.

    Oh and another thing - this whole time you’ve been shitting in the LGBT community you’ve neglected the fact that the new pride flag was redesigned not only to give a specific shout out to trans individuals, but also people of colour AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, represented by the black and brown stripes:


    But sure, it’s the gays that are at fault for your community not getting enough airtime. Unbelievable.

  • If you think a lot of African countries are truly independent and not still being fucked every day by the same imperialists that put them in that situation in the first place, you have a lot to learn. Your people aren’t the only ones who suffered from genocide and literal slavery courtesy the same breed of colonialists you talk about. Again if you have an issue with the status quo take it up with your oppressors rather than shitting on other oppressed peoples. And while you’ve turned this into an oppression dick measuring contest you, have yet to tell me how the lack of attention to your cause is specifically the LGBT community’s fault as you’ve alluded to time and again

  • And how is this the fault of the LGBT community? Are the LGBT community specifically responsible for native americans not getting enough attention? You have yet to make an argument why the LGBT community itself deserves your ire. Have they somehow -tricked- people into getting more attention? I really struggle to understand why you’ve picked on this group in particular. Are black people being given too much attention too? Women? Elderly people with dementia?

  • LGBTQIA are getting a lot more screen time because a small group of powerful people decided we’re a good scapegoat to distract everyone else (including you) from the real reason the issues you so vehemently abhor are even happening in the first place. Maybe you should direct your ire at them, it’s a hell of a lot more constructive.

    Also what’s this about “you people”? I’m not American. In fact I come from a former colony of a European country that’s still getting royally fucked over decades after independence, and the majority of the population lives in abject poverty. Don’t lecture me about who’s getting enough attention. Most of the people in your country have barely even heard of the place I’m from, let alone give even an iota of a shit about the plight of the people there. And you don’t hear me ranting that native americans are getting more “attention” and “resources” compared to my people who are dying of rampant AIDs, violent conflict, and fucking disease and starvation. We all deserve equality and justice - focus your efforts on tearing down the causes, not other groups fighting for themselves against the same fucking oppressors.