Why would that even be necessary? Sounds like one of those “make a guy with a train for a hat and run up and down this hall” moves they like to do
Why would that even be necessary? Sounds like one of those “make a guy with a train for a hat and run up and down this hall” moves they like to do
It is clearer on the nfl.com replay but also helps if you know his songs. The real high point though was the choreography and his shit eating grin when he stared straight down the camera to talk to drake.
I was at a hockey game last weekend where a guy proposed. The camera man couldn’t even be bothered to walk down and catch their faces so all we saw was the back of their heads on the Jumbotron, I thought it was hilarious.
At other peoples’ wedding, that’s just rude.
As a fan of neither team, that Kendrick performance was fucking fantastic.
In response to hearing about your 10,000+ individual donations, averaging under $30
So if that doesn’t send a message, maybe another CEO to spell it out?
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic
It’s the domestic part we have to concern ourselves with, and thankfully the Joint Chiefs seem to still think he’s an idiotic shitbag
I want to be rich enough that I can walk down the street and just uplift people who need a helping hand. I also do not want to live in a world where the wealth disparity is so egregious someone getting a chance to succeed or not depends on my whim.
My question to all this bullshittery is: what about the military? I’ve got several relatives who were technically born in Korea, Germany, etc but are instant citizens being born on “American soil” in someone else’s country?
Are they proposing our women stationed overseas give birth to other nation’s citizens?
I often think of the phrase “we judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intent,” usually while driving, and try to just let people live their life and their story.
For USA/CAN NHL games it makes sense, Nashville versus Tampa does not.
Cover your ears as the jets fly over
Listen, she’s one of the good ones.
Maybe you’re glad to see them through crosshairs 🤷♂️
Are they taking it off the helmets too, did we solve racism already?
It’s still somewhat incredible to me that the label “Antifa” is used as a pejorative by some of these talking heads.
Uhh, last I checked we committed a whole bunch of boats and soldiers to literally blowing the brains out of nazi skulls on one particular Day…
Opposing fascism should be the default American stance, we’re just riddled with cancer/capitalism
I’m certain the dolphins and mice do, we’re just not quite there yet.
I’m starting to dislike and avoid the Daily Show and even the Jon episodes, I just can’t keep hearing and seeing the stupid bullshit every damn day.
Yeah I caught that after I posted and I agree, my statement stands though, it’s wicked depressing to have so many relatives who wore the uniform and are apparently not opposed to fascism and drunken conversations with folks in the beer hall can lead to that poison spreading
I certainly fucking do at the VFW
I’m sure they always have since the 25th amendment was written, maybe POTUS is incapacitated because he’s an aspiring dictator, who knows. I’d bet there’s mountains of folders in the Pentagon with various contingencies. Mostly inaction I’d expect, if a boomer Captain is ordered to fire on Kyiv he just ignores the message etc,
With every passing year there seem to be more and more anti-choice Christo fascists appointed to benches and local govt though so all I can do is hope my compatriots remember the oath we all swore and stand up to the wannabe dictator.