War mir so nicht bekannt, vielen Dank für den Tipp!
War mir so nicht bekannt, vielen Dank für den Tipp!
Better compression -> faster downloads
Just like the ocean is the best body of water for children who want to learn about swimming
Kannst du irgendwelche Apps empfehlen?
Holy crop! Ancient egyptians would never have had the tools to produce something like this.
No, it was an actual clog that I had to get removed, but thanks for the tip. I haven’t been using any since my last cleaning either, guess I’ll see soon whether things actually improve!
I tried that - instead of my ears clogging after ~1 year with q-tips, it now clogged after 3 months
I hate ear wax
Der kleine geschmolzene Fleck zwischen den Hinterbeinen
And that’s why scoped styles are a godsend!
Global styles were simply always a terrible idea.
Okay, let’s call it a semi-rolling release. Having breaking changes every 6 months is still very often for a set-and-forget system.
Then you’re still entirely misunderstanding the point.
Though still far easier than a calzone
Them’s the real connoisseurs
Dass es vorher schon Wege zum Sammeln privater Daten gab bezweifelt ja auch niemand. Das heißt aber nicht, dass es akzeptabel ist, Datensammlung zur Voraussetzung für andere Dinge zu machen, für die sie vorher nicht notwendig war.
While I enjoy using Aurora, there were a bunch of issues popping up over the last few months (e.g. display freezes). I guess that’s the danger of a rolling release cycle, but I’m not sure it’s 100% as foolproof as it needs to be right now.
I say we still do it, for good luck
Dude, the places that measured 50x the normal amount of radiation aren’t measuring 50x the amount right now. I’m aware that coal adds radioactive material to the air, but that’s just not relevant to the topic. But I’m tired of explaining that, have a good one.
What if you teach them the word “nicegry”, or maybe “hungrepentant” or something
Life finds a way