Don’t know why you’re downvoted, this is exactly how it works in the Euro countries that abandoned the 1 and 2 cent coins.
Don’t know why you’re downvoted, this is exactly how it works in the Euro countries that abandoned the 1 and 2 cent coins.
“Give me liberty or give me coin” 10k gold on AoE3
Reality: $1000/month and $40k minimum down payment.
I cut the piezoelectric speaker off of mine. It now doesn’t make any beeping noises, which is nice.
This sounds like the stories my grandma told me about the GDR. They also had to get up early to get basic necessities, otherwise they were gone.
This is absolutely normal for about any internal combustion engine. There’s a lot of soot and other particles suspended in the oil. Every drop of old oil that remains during an oil change will immediately stain the new stuff black. One of the main jobs of engine oil is keeping the cylinder walls clean, so it will never stay golden for long.
Tl;dr: engine oil is supposed to do this, don’t worry.
The amount of sleep trackers on the app stores is an indication that they already did.
Does drag use any rice seasoning? The store bought stuff is usually quite sweet imo, maybe drag’s partner likes their sushi with that.
I thought this text was AI generated for a second. Half of the words did not make sense in my head
Uuu, that Budde Lady doubled down on her remarks, I like that.
He wasn’t a convicted felon the first time around.
Porque no los dos?
Why shouldn’t fusion not be good for consumer energy? If they find a way to produce electricity with it the grid doesn’t care who uses it.
Why don’t we use mirrors to heat water with sunlight and spin turbines with it? We do! But photovoltaic cells are more space efficient and have gotten really cheap. Also you can just plop them on almost any roof and call it a day. Also converting light to heat to electricity is kinda dumb when you can just convert it directly to electricity.
We also use the sun to make tap water warm.
When Nick van Berkel left it turned to shit. He probably left at the best time.
I take the 25 cents per step, thank you very much. Being paid for going on long walks with my girlfriend and friends? That sounds nice.
Circulating vs total supply?
This was a game changer for coding and also keycap availability.
Scratchy reds
Around my part of the woods I can either pay 50€ for Gigabit over coaxial cable or 35€ for 16 MBit DSL. Less than 2% of the speed for 70% of the price… wtf?
I wish they would offer a basic, affordable option for singles or people who don’t need a high bandwidth connection. Charging over 30€ foe it seems excessive.
Converting, on a chemical level, always means either combining or breaking apart atoms into or from molecules. To get O2 from CO2 you need to break off the Carbon atom. It will be left over. Where does it go?
Glass easily bends