• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 22nd, 2023

  • Nah, you sound like leopards ate your face. Because this did happen under Trump as well. The programs that help protect people like your parents were created by leftists, slashed by Republicans for decades, and kept on life support by Democrats.

    Look at what Musk is doing now. All the issues that your parents have? About to get way worse, very quickly.

    You came into the “People who fucked around and found out” community to complain about people pointing out people who fucked around and found out, and called them the elitist Democrat stereotype that Republicans always pull out because they’re not trying to “reach across the aisle” to a group of people who repeatedly vote against their own interests, no matter how often you point it out.

  • Unfortunately, I don’t. I remember seeing 2 articles immediately pop up when I searched for a link for my friend, but I couldn’t tell you what news sites they were and when I tried to find them again I had the same results as everyone else - I couldn’t find the articles about that quote, just generalized statements possibly implying it, at most.

    It was back in December, though, after the election, and it came from somebody in his administration, not Trump specifically, which makes it harder to find. Especially with the ongoing flurry of anti-trans legislation being passed right now.

  • I have a friend who worked at a gym when COVID happened, and they were closed for like 6 months or something, but what I saw was a lot of what I called “rolling lockdowns” - one town would go into quarantine for a few weeks as daily cases hit a certain point, but the town next to them would be business as usual. And then another town would do the same, rinse and repeat, but never a mass quarantine across the state.

    The other thing I saw a lot of was wealthy people fleeing cities to get away from COVID (and bringing it with them) and buying property in vacation towns not built to be lived in year-round. It didn’t take a full year for most to get bored of living there outside the vacation season and go back, but property values doubled during the craze and never really came back down. I think to this day, they’re still roughly 50% above what they were before quarantine. And they were already too high for locals to afford.

  • It’s amazing to me how much I simply can’t relate to people because I spent COVID being an “essential worker” (retail) and therefore spent the entire time working like I always do, and then the world went back to treating us like trash as soon as it ended.

    For me, COVID was driving down empty highways with just the cop cars and one or two other cars for company where there should’ve been dead stop traffic, carrying a piece of paper that said it was legal for me to be out there.

    We didn’t even get holidays off.

  • As an American, I can tell you it’s true, and we don’t realize it in large part because portion sizes in the US are crazy. A medium-sized beverage here would be a large in most other countries. Restaurants traditionally serve huge portions of food, supposedly originally so that no matter how big your appetite, everybody would get enough to eat and have leftovers to bring home. But now people just eat it all.

    Add in all the sugar that’s in our food (thanks to a health propaganda campaign that convinced people fat was bad, most fat is replaced with sugar - especially high-fructose corn syrup), which is way more fattening than actual fat, and the lack of pedestrian access to most things, and you’ve got a perfect recipe for an obesity epidemic of people who eat too much, drink too many sugary drinks, and don’t exercise enough.

  • It’s part of the propaganda. Richest country in the world, they say, but you pay a lot more for basically everything because there’s few government regulations keeping prices in check, and a number of things that are done by the government in other countries are run by for profit corporations here (healthcare).

    Although, $10.50 for the mail is pretty pricey. That’s no letter that they’re sending. I run an Etsy shop and frequently send stuff in padded envelopes through the post office, and those cost me like $4 to send across the country.

  • America is one of the most propagandized countries in the world, and we don’t even know it. I began to realize it when I heard that most countries find it creepy how we have an American flag in every school classroom. We are one of maybe 4 countries in the world to do that - one of which is North Korea. And then I learned about Nazi Germany and Hitler’s Youth, and I felt really uncomfortable about how we make little kids pledge their undying loyalty to the country every morning in school. We have military recruiters going into high schools to advertise to kids, calling them on their cell phones and visiting their houses. We have ads on TV and Hollywood blockbusters that are also just ads for the military.

    Most Americans die within 10 miles of where they were born, and many never leave their hometown. Even fewer leave their home state, and even less visit another country.

    There are people who want things to get better - things did for a brief period of time. We went from having to make up a new kind of sexuality to convince women that men who showered more than once a week and wore nice clothes weren’t gay to gay marriage and openly trans people in the government. But there are so many goose stepping “I’m a Republican, I vote for the nominee” idiots and white suburbanites who care more about a negative peace than real change that it took just a little push in the country Hitler referred to as “the sisterland across the ocean” for “Never again” to happen again.

    We are a deeply fucked up country whose entire identity is built on the idea of a reality that has never existed. We have a slim chance of changing that, but it’ll be impossible until we clean the fascists out of office and the white supremacy at the core of our culture.