Wild how different it can be.
Wild how different it can be.
Frickin’ mobile games. Got sucked into giving KonoSuba: Fantastic Days nearly an hour of my time every day for a few months. I even gave them nearly a hundred dollars. And it felt like WORK, because I didn’t want to be inefficient and miss quest rewards.
Never again.
Btw I took a look at your comment and if it helps, washed eggs are good basically forever too. I never throw them away. I’ve eaten eggs that had been expired for 6 months, and while they were a little dried up (kinda dense; the white had shrunk), they were otherwise totally fine.
You know how they say you know there’s a methane or propane leak because of the smell of rotten eggs… I’ve never smelled rotten eggs. Only propane. Eggs refuse to rot.
I’m not American, but in a lot of American cooking videos I watch, the host will go like “NEVER eat raw egg” or “I’m tasting a small amount here but it’s a calculated risk I’m taking and you may not want to”.
I was convinced Japan also washed their eggs. I’m confused.
Also I’m curious about why Americans are really squeamish about people eating any egg products that haven’t been fully sterilized by cooking, while others generally aren’t scared of it, even if they’re in a country that washes eggs just like the US.
In the US, people don’t even taste their cake batter to check the amount of sugar before cooking it; in Canada, a summer isn’t whole until you’ve made strawberry mousse (ingredients: strawberries, egg whites, sugar; eaten raw). Perplexing. Is it riskier in the US, or is the risk equally low everywhere but Americans are really paranoid?
I’m Canadian, but… Fruit, I guess. Some fruit we get from places like Greece, Spain or Italy, both canned and fresh. We could live without them, but surely there’d be moments in the year when we couldn’t get fresh peaches, for example, at the supermarket, without European imports.
But it’s not a majority. We get quite a bit from South America, North Africa, and, astonishingly, as far as South Africa, too.
Though there isn’t much else. It’s rarely worth it to import food from another rich country, all the way across the ocean, in today’s world.
Though interestingly, I bought “canned” soup (actually packaged in a plastic bag) that came from Lithuania, of all places.
Get away; it’s about to explode!
That’s good and all but man is that person a big fan of aria properties.
To be clear, they’re not bad, but they’re a little brute-forcey. There’s often a way to achieve the same purpose without them.
For instance, instead of aria-pressed
with buttons, you can just use radio buttons and labels. And your can just put heading elements in your sections instead of naming them with aria properties.
Huh? I thought having no valid moves that wouldn’t lead to the king’s death was a loss. How DO you lose then?
Survive. So cold. Such a bad night of sleep. Ugh. I hate mornings like this.
On my app I just see the tildes.
Isn’t that true, all other things being equal?
Hmm, but if the acceleration is gradual, shouldn’t it be fine?
Or are you referring to the constant centripetal acceleration felt by the object as it’s spinning?
Man is physics class far away
Oof, self-driving cars are crap. Not looking forward to busses. But are car manufacturers really the same ones that make public transportation vehicles?
What prevents them from doing exactly that?
Lots of (all?) satellites have propulsion systems to make orbit adjustments anyway. Is it that complicated to bolster them a bit for that purpose?
Probably not. They contained a lot of air at that point. But yeah … If it doesn’t look, taste or smell rotten, I’m usually not worried by food.
But then again, I’m vegetarian, so I avoid most non-obvious risks by that alone.