Watch out, here comes Pistorius with a Panzerhaubitze 2000!
✍️ Hobbyist Writer, 🎲 Role player, 🧩 Game master, 🚀 Sci-Fi enthusiast, 💫 Star Citizen 🇪🇺 EU Citizen, 🐧🦊 Linux user, 🧑💻 Professional Software Developer, 🏳️🌈 they/them
Watch out, here comes Pistorius with a Panzerhaubitze 2000!
Are there any good apps (iOS preferably) for character building and saving? I love building characters to get a feel for a system, and they come in handy as NPCs while GM’ing.
I only know about the website and android app called Pathbuilder: https://pathbuilder2e.com/
And this context is FRICKING important.
Not a power tripping Mod just a huge misunderstanding.
Vance, you wanted to label as Nazi and went off a rant, was only mentioned indirectly, so you probably couldn’t mean him.
And instead of talking to the Mods you started this post.
Ja mist, schon wieder Kabelbrand… wo ist der nächste Feuerlöschi? :D
But we now know?
When you like to tinker with the DE, e.g. customising to your liking, then there would be no way around KDE as it is imho the most customizable DE. Gnome is rock solid and its UI is very concise and coherent but also not that customizable (out of the box).
When it comes to the Amazon and Snap Scandals, you might want to steer clear from everything that is Ubuntu based since it was Canonical who did those two things. Ubuntu based is for example Mint (unless you go Linux Mint Debian Edition which skips the ubuntu middle man) and Kubuntu.
HDR is afaik still maturing in Wayland: https://arewewaylandyet.com/
But Multi Screen support is not a big issue anymore.
nVidia used to be a problem since their opensource and also proprietary drivers were quite lacking. But this was afaik remedied last year.
Regarding the packages: yes in essence you could just install it afterwards, but there are three/four/five package formats that are only compatible with each other after some repackging has been done, one of those package formats only exists on one branch of Linux (snap), twos are universal (AppImage which is similiar to portable Apps in Windows, Flatpak) and three that are fundamental (DEB for debian based systems, RPM for IBM red hat (fedora), ZST for Arch based systems)
With your software list, you may run into issues regarding Photoshop CS6 as it is not supported in Linux and you would need alternatives (which includes relearning workflows) e.g. Krita and GIMP (both you can already run in windows to check them out and learn a bit)
Gaming is simple: check protondb.com to see if a given game runs in linux; steam exists, lutris exists for non-steam games.
Ich sehs schon kommen, Ukraine muss sich dann gegen russische und amerikanische Soldaten und Material verteidigen.
The Player Core (1 and 2) are the remastered version while the Core Rulebook is the one before the OGL scandal happened.
As a refresher WotC wanted to abolish the open game license which allowed third parties to write and publish DnD compatible stuff while using terms and languages coined in DnD. Paizo used those as well and had to rephrase everything that would infringe WotCs IP. They also optimised pf2e a bit here and there.
So when you start new in pathfinder 2e, it would be best when you stick to the Core books (white spine): Player Core 1, Player Corel 2, GM Core, Monster Core.
Ok, wollte dir das lediglich gezeigt haben dass es neben des GUI Wegs auch noch ein anderen gibt :)
Didn’t trump in his first term already sent hundreds or thousands of troops back home? And we were like okay with it?
Only if you join the EU /s
Mhm aber ich dachte Wahlwerbung müsste markiert sein?
+ 250 Diplomatic Tension
now this is hardcore gesturing!
Ja genau, lass lieber jeden für sich selbst kämpfen.
Was ist ein Sozialstaat, Mr Burns?
Zwischendrin werde ich frustriert und lasse mich per GUI zum Admin machen(siehe Bild)
um das auch über die Kommandozeile zu machen kannst du:
für einmaligen Gebrauch: sudo
vor dem Befehl stellen um diesen mit Wurzelrechten durchlaufen zu lassen
für die aktuelle Sitzung sudo -i
um für die dauer als Wurzel zu agieren
Das macht es nicht besser, Google!
Außerdem, wollen die ERNSTHAFT uns verklickern, dass die das ganze MANUELL pflegen? Also statt gegen Inklusion zu sein, geben sie vor inkompetent zu sein?