All magic is bullshit, except the type where you are just tricking people into believing things. That’s not real magic though.
All magic is bullshit, except the type where you are just tricking people into believing things. That’s not real magic though.
No, not at all. I’ve travelled extensively (maybe 75 countries) and had reams of wild experiences, but I’ve not seen a fraction of what the world has to offer.
Any polarised ones will do the job. No need to buy a brand. I’ve never spent more than 10 quid on sunglasses and they all worked perfectly.
TX Maxx mostly.
And 10 years in jail. That speed is taking the piss, and they need to come down hard on people who do ridiculous speeds.
Why? She’s awful. Spoiled, entitled, and grasping for fame despite having nothing at all to offer. Thick as pig shit and trying to glamourise the fact as though that’s an endearing trait. Paul Sinha worked with her on a show and said she was one of the most awful people on the planet. I trust his judgement.
What on earth are peeps? I’d wager if they’re American sweets they taste like shite, like practically all US sweets.
Will he be doing all 5, as Liverpool will win the league? Also, I’d rather flay myself than be in the same room as Gemma Collins. The others are fine. Ed doesn’t need to wear the gloves. Jimmy is dead. Gary isn’t interested in me, and a free holiday is a free holiday.
Haha! I threw that shit before I even came in the room.
I just use Spotifydown and collate my own downloaded lists on USBs.
Does it? You just click on the community, the three dots, then click block community. It takes a second or two.
I don’t know anyone else who uses Lemmy, but I would agree. That’s the whole idea of subscribing. The local feed and all are full of stuff I don’t wish to see.
Everything glares and your eyes hurt. It also smells constantly of BO and is uncomfortably warm. There is a tinnitus drone on the edge of your hearing. Everyone mumbles. You constantly forget why you came into the room. Food all tastes of cardboard and your scalp itches most of the time. You get cramp in your hands and feet at inopportune times.
Pretty porny if you ask me.
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I have no idea what any of this means.
Money and bitches
Religious people often are. Dogma trumps reason.
A joke in Spanish and English, but the punchline is different in each, despite being the same joke. (My Spanish may well be rusty as it’s been a while)
De donde se van los gatos cuando mueren? Purgatorio (focus on gato)
Where do cats do when they die? Purrgatory (focus on purr)