Hand wave what away? Everything I have said is consistent with what we historically know about the Soviet Union. Can you point to something you believe I disagree with? Just linking Wikipedia articles doesn’t actually constitute an argument, do you think I am denying that the Great Purge happened at all?
Touch grass, please.
Don’t know where you got “1 million executions.” No more than 700,000 were condemned to death, and of those condemned many had their sentences reduced. Even if all 700,000 were killed, that still fits what I have actually said, you’ve been putting words in my mouth. Moreover, you’ll want to read this excerpt from the book The Triumph of Evil, specifically page 74:
This is why relying exclusively on Wikipedia is silly, do some actual reading. A solid rule of thumb with respect to any Wikipedia article on enemies of the US is to look at where the figures and sources come from and analyze them yourself, as you can see Wikipedia made the error of conflating condemnations with executions.