women 😤
truth warrior fighting against the forces of oppression and ai and control and also hillary clinton in a world gone mad patriot defender of our great nation AMERICA and freeze peach
warning my content may be triggering to snowflakes and libtards so proceed with caution
women 😤
its about damn time i want red white and blueland so frigging bad
sounds like a ripoff of my community what the heck
shift the focus away from the main theme by highlighting personal flaws or past mistakes of your opponent okay let me tell you its like sniffing coffee beans in a perfume shop because this approach refreshes your mind while also undermining their credibility and making them mad
instead of grappling with the complexities of your opponents absurd argument consider distilling their position into a much weaker version because by doing this you can easily dismantle it and make yourself look superior alright its like magic
say you find yourself lacking evidence right well you can just restate your conclusion as if it were a given because listen this can be an effective way to reinforce your position because it creates an illusion of support and it brings your opponent back to square one
dont bother finding sources to prove what youre saying because instead you can just focus on the parts that havent been disproven and this shifts the burden of proof onto your opponent which is great because were here to argue not look stuff up am i right
pretend you just dont understand stuff even basic stuff and this can be especially effective when having your opponent explain it would make them look bad or even get moderated but also it can create more opportunities to poke holes in their argument which is very fun
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told a dumb boring story
sorry sometimes i get defensive in response to new information
les mondialistes sont encore à fond pour retourner lopinion contre fran drescher mais je vous jure elle raconte pas des craques
gaslight them back
for example
yes i can speak for your intentions because you literally flat out stated your intentions when you said [insert quote they didnt say]
and then if they deny it just claim they deleted it or even make a fake screenshot
all you need is your audience to believe you instead of them you just have to make them look bad
most people I meet are the second type.
yeah right theres no way thats true prove it
im gonna fucking kill you driving crooner
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low effort/quality
how dare you i bet you cant pick out half the references in my posts
edit im not the one who downvoted you btw i dont believe in downvoting
im just assuming theyre patriots like me
its a screenshot of the modlog the .world admins did a purge on patriots who refused to agree to the tos
edit dr wesker its up to you to decide which of us to ban i trust your judgment
edit 2 dr wesker while i have you please consider appending the sidebar to add a no downvoting rule im getting far too many downvotes
reminds me of the time you shat on someone in a francophone comm for speaking french instead of english