Butterbee (She/Her)

  • 14 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 27th, 2023


  • I think there’s a time and place for both. In the beginning being able to have ANY queer sexuality in games was amazing, and having playersexual games levelled the playing field for everyone. On the other hand when done well having characters with their own defined sexualities can work even better in the right context. Cyberpunk did this fairly well. It was nice finding some exclusively gay characters, some hetero. The bi representation could have been better but the fun was finding oh wow this person is their own character with boundaries and personality and preferences! As weird as it sounds it was nice getting rejected by Panam and made her feel more real. I was like ok, cool! She’s not into it but not super weirded out. And getting to know Judy was wonderful! She is an explicitly gay woman and her character was written as such and it felt like it. Her queerness was REAL. It would have been a bummer if there were only straight romances to pursue but that wasn’t the case. It obviously takes more time to develop a specifically tailored romance line for every possible sexuality though so it’s understandable when a developer wants to include everyone and just makes the npcs into you no matter what. And sometimes the game just doesn’t have very deep characters anyway so why not? As far as the straight male audience being upset they have to deal with unwanted advances by men… heh. Damn that must suck huh. looks directly into the camera

  • “One particular point of contention for Downey Jr is Musk’s obsession with Mars colonization. The actor didn’t mince words when he stated, “This idea of, ‘It’s all okay because we’ve gotta get to Mars,’ doesn’t really hold water with me.” It’s a striking criticism that cuts to the heart of Musk’s most ambitious projects.”

    Of all of the thing’s Techbro has said and done, his fakey mars ambitions are a particular point of contention for RDJR? The nazi stuff is ok, but him pretending we’re all going to mars so we don’t have to care about Earth that parts the real issue? I hope this is just editorialized and out of context.