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Joined 16 days ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2025


  • i got a pixel 8a used for cheap. installing grapheneOS was a breeze and took less than 10 minutes following their guide (i watched a youtube video in advance as well, but did not factor in the time.)

    installed f-droid and aurora and have access to all apps i need, avoiding what i need to avoid :)

    i still have my one plus with google services and apps like whatsapp that i will slowly transition away from. my biggest problem is that i can easily switch to communication apps like threema and signal (and have years ago) - but the sad truth is that many of my contacts are still on whatsapp

  • back when reddit was not just a meme shithole, karma was used to motivate people to post quality content. 90% of the stuff posted on reddit nowadays would get downvoted into oblivion back then. typo in the title or image caption? downvoted. repost? downvoted. low effort? downvoted.

    but with growing popularity the flat number of (usually young) users grew that hat other quality standards grew and these kind of faults were ignored. meme became bigger, and there was a general shift in reddits userbase. they changed the algorith to calculate your score and suddenly you could get just so.much.karma from cheap posts.

    some communities became very strict in their content to avoid shitposts. some used karma to prevent trolls participating in their subs. nowadays high karma accounts are being sold as they can be used to participate in subreddits with a high reputation (due to participation limitations) and upvoting/downvoting and commenting on certain post can very heavily skew its visibility and impression of the discussed topic on “neutral” users.

    so yea, karma used to be a good thing (good content motivation), became a bad thing (karmawhoring), which was still utilized for good things (participation limitation), which led to even worse things (karmafarming bots).

    lemmy will have to deal with this sooner or later. there will be bots brigading communities on certain topics and there need to be some kind of indicators to distinguish honest users and trolls.

  • ich bin leider streaming-opfer und bin auf der suche nach alternativen. nicht-us streaming dienste gibt es zwar, aber ich möchte gerne weiter die inhalte gucken, die ich gerne gucke. die find ich auf keinen der alternativen.

    ich war immer großer fan der piratierie, allerdings war es damals (als jugendlicher) eine frage von “kauf ich den film auf dvd, oder saug ich ihn mir einfach?” und die antwort war fast immer klar und einfach. neben der preisersparnis war es einfach viel bequemer und schneller kurz die segel zu setzen, statt sich (vom dorf) in die stadt zu mediamarkt/saturn zu begeben.

    nun hat sich das ganze leider gedreht, und für mich ist DAS verkaufsargument der streamdienste eben der absolut unumständliche zugang zu inhalten, die ich sehen will. heute hab ich auch das geld, das ich für diese bequemlichkeit gerne bereit bin, auszugeben. die jüngsten entwicklungen sind allerdings nicht zu ignorieren, und ich will trumps bückstücken nicht mein geld in den rachen schieben, während sie trumps schwanz im arsch stecken haben.

    welche alternativen hab ich? bleibt mir nichts anderen übrig, als mir kodi aufzusetzen und mich vor meinen film-abenden selbst um meine inhalte zu kümmern? mich haben die letzten 20 jahre leider so zerstört, dass ich heute nicht sagen kann, was ich morgen gucken möchte (ausnahme sind natürlich serien und shows, bei denen man sich alle folgen im vorfeld besorgen kann). das ist zwar ein problem, an dem ich auch arbeiten kann, hierum soll es aber nicht gehen.

    gibt es empfehlungen?

  • thats another thing. no internet points, so no bots to farm them. upvotes really only indicate the quality of the post or comment that receives the upvotes. no way to use the total number of points to claim validity of your posts or to brag with them.

    that being said, at one point we will need to figure out a way to identify and prevent bots that just post propaganda. while we wont have the problem of karmawhoring bots, they dont have the need to karmawhore and can try to spread their propaganda immediately.

  • from my experiece: this style of displaying content is only ass if you visit the website for the first time and have a huge backlog of content.

    ongoing comics with regular updates will mostly be frequented by visitors that already know all strips and just want to read the most recent one.

    BUT (big but!): the fact that the navigation buttons for each comic say “previous” and “next” but will navigate to the next and previous chapter tells me, that the layout is not used as inteded. so… valid criticism!