Do you think Trump would be above bombing them himself for “breaking the deal”?
So true. There isn’t much room reserved for thinkin’.
Thanks for the tip! I just ordered a set, we’ll see how they do.
Unless your not a ring kissing conservative.
Bonus shot!
But you are here now, so live a good life and enjoy it while you can. Maybe try to help others do the same. This is all we get, so use it to the fullest.
Keep (checks math) 3 more tabs open in chrome.
My wife and I recently rewatched The Goonies for the first time since childhood. My God the screaming! 80% of the “dialog” in this movie is constant screaming. We barely made it through the movie.
I hate these bots and instantly block them whenever I see them.
He’s already made a few “casual” remarks about ending the FDIC. That would crash them pretty quickly.
Voluntary rehab centers don’t rent you out to factory farms as manual laborers during harvest season.
Yup. They are are the Greyhounds of the cat world! Mocha is still pretty young, so he’s got a bit of baby fat on him yet. As he gets older he’ll thin out a bit.
Here’s a picture of him with his older (yet smaller) brother. Casper really shows off the long skinny legs.
It cleaned up surprisingly well considering all that. Nice job!
I do not understand how to play this game at all.
Higher resolution still shot. I love the intensity of his eyes in this.
It’s a fairly common anti-copy, anti-forgery technique.
The number is structured though. Some positions represent things like the geographic region you were born in, others relate to the year you were born. That drastically cuts down the available numbers as the entire range isn’t available in all situations.
If that’s what you intended to communicate, you missed your mark by a mile when you insulted them by telling them they needed to “touch grass”.
Are we still doing phrasing?